Titel: | The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019 |
Identifier: | http://tcs2019.net/ |
Veranstaltungsort: | Hong Kong |
Anfangsdatum: | 26.05.2019 |
Enddatum: | 30.05.2019 |
Autor: | Chu, Ka Hou [Chair] |
Zusammenfassung: | On behalf of the Organising Committee, I am honoured and delighted to welcome you to The Chinese University of Hong Kong which will host The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019. This will be the first time that a TCS meeting is held in Hong Kong. The meeting provides an international forum for meeting with colleagues and disseminating information on all aspects of crustacean biology. I would like to thank all our sponsors for their generous support which has made this conference possible. Recognition should also go to the International Advisory Committee members who have helped with many important aspects of the conference programme and social activities. I look forward to a pleasurable experience with our participants at Hong Kong in 2019. [Information of the supplier] |
Thema: |
Crustacea (Krebstiere) (595.3)
» finde ähnliche Quellen! |
Geographischer Bezug: | China und benachbarte Gebiete |
Zielgruppe: | Experten |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Format: | Website |
Ressourcentyp: | Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv) |
Zugang: | frei |
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: | 24.06.2019 |
Metadatenlieferant: |
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URL dieses vifabio-Datensatzes: | http://www.vifabio.de/iqfBio/detail/9825 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |