Cell Symposia Single Cells: Technology to Biology
Titel: Cell Symposia Single Cells: Technology to Biology
Identifier: http://www.cell-symposia.com/single-cells/default.asp
Veranstaltungsort: Singapore
Anfangsdatum: 24.02.2019
Enddatum: 26.02.2019
Autor: Ng, Huck Hui [Organizer]; et al.
Zusammenfassung: The overarching goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for sharing and disseminating cutting-edge technologies, biological insights, and biomedical applications in the field of single-cell analysis. Come join us in Singapore, a global crossroads and scientific hub, for stimulating discussions and to build bridges between the expanding and interconnected international efforts in single-cell biology. [Information of the supplier]
Thema: Biowissenschaften, Biologie (570)
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Geographischer Bezug: Asien, Orient, Ferner Osten
Zielgruppe: Experten
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Website
Ressourcentyp: Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv)
Zugang: frei
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: 06.03.2019
Metadatenlieferant: UBFfm
URL dieses vifabio-Datensatzes: http://www.vifabio.de/iqfBio/detail/9771
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