Titel: | Behaviour2017 - 35th International Ethological Conference (IEC) |
Titel Kurzform: | Behaviour2017 |
Identifier: | http://www.behaviour2017.org/ |
Veranstaltungsort: | Estoril |
Anfangsdatum: | 30.07.2017 |
Enddatum: | 04.08.2017 |
Autor: | Oliveira, Rui [Committee Chair] |
Zusammenfassung: | Behaviour2017 will gather international professionals, academia members and students from all fields of behavior research, such as behavioural ecology, neuroethology, behavioural endocrinology, behavioural genomics, animal cognition, evolutionary biology, Human ethology, applied ethology, conservation ethology, animal welfare, modelling and many others. The conference program will offer an opening keynote address from Fran de Waal and five invited plenary talks from distinguished researchers covering topics such as the comparative study of emotions, behavioural genomics, animal cognition, Evo-devo of behavioural adaptations, and modeling behavior evolution. There will also be a program of symposia, selected from a call for symposia that will be launched in due time, that will span the entire range of behaviour research and that will help advance and foster scientific research, education and training, and applications. Finally the program will also include sessions of contributed talks and posters, which will enable all delegates to present their work and to have the opportunity to discuss the most recent developments in their research fields. [Information of the supplier] |
Thema: |
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Geographischer Bezug: | Iberische Halbinsel und benachbarte Inseln, Spanien |
Zielgruppe: | Fortgeschrittene; Experten |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Format: | Website |
Ressourcentyp: | Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv) |
Zugang: | frei |
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: | 07.08.2017 |
Metadatenlieferant: |
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URL dieses vifabio-Datensatzes: | http://www.vifabio.de/iqfBio/detail/9057 |
© Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Biologie (vifabio) |