SER 2015 - 6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration
Titel: SER 2015 - 6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration
Titel Kurzform: SER 2015
Identifier: http://www.ser2015.org/
Veranstaltungsort: Manchester
Anfangsdatum: 26.08.2015
Enddatum: 30.08.2015
Autor: Society for Ecological Restoration <Glasgow>
Zusammenfassung: As the scale and acceleration of climate change become apparent, Global Warming is arguably viewed now as the key driver for the ‘carousel of 21st Century Challenges’. Both as a means of understanding the future causes of environmental degradation, and in providing opportunities for remediation, ecological restoration is among the most important activities available to us. How we apply ecological restoration is a matter of adaptation and survival that will define our resilience. SER2015 will take the concepts, the tangible manifestations and the practical applications of resilience as the main theme to explore the cutting-edge developments in and impacts of restoration ecology. The programme will focus on four key strands – science, culture, arts and education – providing an integrated whole view of the ecological challenges we face. The conference will be held at Manchester Central, in Manchester city centre. [Information of the supplier]
Thema: Erhaltung und Schutz (333.72)
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Geographischer Bezug: Britische Inseln
Zielgruppe: Experten
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Website
Ressourcentyp: Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv)
Zugang: frei
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: 31.08.2015
Metadatenlieferant: UBFfm
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