XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia
Titel: XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia
Identifier: http://www.upf.br/xxcbo/
Veranstaltungsort: Passo Fundo
Anfangsdatum: 04.11.2013
Enddatum: 07.11.2013
Autor: Machado, Caio Graco [Presidente da Comissão Científica]; et al.
Zusammenfassung: The 20th Brazilian Congress of Ornithology (XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia), to be held at the Universidade de Passo Fundo in southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul on 4-7 November, 2013, is organized by Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia (SBO) and the University of Passo Fundo. The congress aims to gather Brazilian ornithologists; the language of the conference will be Portuguese. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Thema: Aves (Vögel) (598)
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Geographischer Bezug: Brasilien
Zielgruppe: Fortgeschrittene; Experten
Sprache: Portugiesisch
Format: Website
Ressourcentyp: Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv)
Zugang: frei
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: 08.07.2014
Metadatenlieferant: UBFfm
URL dieses vifabio-Datensatzes: http://www.vifabio.de/iqfBio/detail/8108
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