11th International Polychaete Conference
Titel: 11th International Polychaete Conference
Titel Kurzform: IPC 2013
Titel alternativ: XIth International Polychaete Conference
Identifier: http://www.ipc2013.com.au/
Veranstaltungsort: Sydney
Anfangsdatum: 04.08.2013
Enddatum: 09.08.2013
Autor: Hutchings, Pat [Conference Convenor]; et al.
Zusammenfassung: Welcome to the 11th International Polychaete Conference being held in Sydney, Australia in 2013. The conference will be held at the Australian Museum, commencing on the afternoon of Sunday 4th August through to Friday 9th August 2013. The Organising committee is soliciting images from previous meetings which we will play during the opening Ice Breaker and Conference Dinner. [Information of the supplier]
Thema: Annelida (Ringelwürmer) (592.6)
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Geographischer Bezug: Australien
Zielgruppe: Experten
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Website
Ressourcentyp: Tagungen, Konferenzen, Kongresse (Archiv)
Zugang: frei
Letzte Änderung des Metadatensatzes: 12.08.2013
Metadatenlieferant: UBFfm
URL dieses vifabio-Datensatzes: http://www.vifabio.de/iqfBio/detail/8077
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