vifabio » Internet Guide: Subject


  1.  Life sciences, biology (60/791)
    1.  Philosophy and theory in biology (22/113)
    2.  Miscellany (23/199)
    3.  Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances in biology (15)
    4.  Serial publications in biology (7)
    5.  Organizations and management (194)
    6.  Education, research, related topics (49/229)
    7.  Historical, geographic, persons treatment (13/51)
      1.  Biologists (39)
  2.  Physiology and related subjects (9/252)
  3.  Biochemistry (66/523)
    1.  Biochemistry in animals (9)
    2.  Biochemistry in plants and microorganisms (24)
    3.  General topics of biochemistry (29)
    4.  Metabolism (21)
    5.  Miscellaneous chemicals (13)
    6.  Proteins (82)
    7.  Enzymes (10)
    8.  Biochemical genetics (71/309)
  4.  Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals (4/100)
  5.  Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants (2/25)
  6.  Genetics and evolution (11/147)
  7.  Ecology (134/434)
    1.  Specific ecosystem processes (30)
    2.  Specific factors affecting ecology (11/24)
      1.  Effects of humans on ecology (13)
    3.  Aquatic ecology, Freshwater ecology (42/67)
    4.  Marine ecology (62)
    5.  Synecology and population biology (28)
    6.  Terrestrial Ecology (0/106)
  8.  Natural history of organisms and related subjects (12/283)
    1.  Adaptation (2)
    2.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms (8/49)
    3.  Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments (1/54)
    4.  General topics in natural history of organisms (0/169)
  9.  Natural history of specific kinds of organisms (0/2634)
    1.  Microorganisms, fungi and algae (49/307)
      1.  Specific topics in natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae (33)
      2.  Viruses and subviral organisms (15)
      3.  Prokaryotes (Bacteria) (32)
      4.  Protozoa (18)
      5.  Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (99)
      6.  Mushrooms (16)
      7.  Lichens (24)
      8.  Algae (44)
    2.  Plants (Botany) (75/331)
    3.  Specific topics in natural history of plants (2/418)
    4.  Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers (3/60)
      1.  Herbaceous and woody plants, plants noted for their flowers (3/57)
        1.  Plants noted for their flowers (16)
        2.  Trees (37)
        3.  Shrubs (7)
        4.  Vines (2)
    5.  Animals (Zoology) (41/323)
    6.  Specific topics in natural history of animals (4/247)
    7.  Specific taxonomic groups of plants (0/172)
    8.  Specific taxonomic groups of animals (0/1181)
      1.  Invertebrates (15/63)
        1.  General topics in natural history of Invertebrates (1)
        2.  Worms (2)
        3.  Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) (3)
        4.  Aschelminthes (Nemathelminthes) (27)
        5.  Annelida (Segmented worms) (16)
      2.  Miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates (2/17)
      3.  Mollusks and molluscoids (16/31)
      4.  Arthropods (13/560)
        1.  Crustacea (31)
        2.  Chelicerata, Arachnida (40)
        3.  Myriapoda (4)
        4.  Insecta (Insects) (131/479)
          1.  General topics in natural history of insects (15)
          2.  Apterygota, Orthoptera and related orders (28)
          3.  Exopterygota (Hemimetabola) (33)
          4.  Mecoptera, Trichoptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidiodea (11)
          5.  Homoptera, Heteroptera, Anoplura, Mallophaga, Thysanoptera (35)
          6.  Coleoptera (Beetles) (54)
          7.  Diptera (Flies) and Siphonaptera (57)
          8.  Lepidoptera (71)
          9.  Hymenoptera (51)
      5.  Chordates (17/519)
        1.  Cold-blooded vertebrates, Pisces (fishes) (13/100)
        2.  Birds (103/193)
        3.  Mammals (36/212)
  10.  Economics of land and energy (5/425)
  11.  Other subjects (0/511)
    1.  Bibliography (105)
    2.  Political sciences (Politics and government) (7)
    3.  Law (5)
    4.  Natural history (38)
    5.  Physics (2)
    6.  Chemistry and allied sciences (16)
    7.  Earth Sciences (31)
    8.  Paleontology, Paleozoology (28/42)
    9.  Technology (10)
    10.  Medicine and health (119)
    11.  Agriculture and related technologies (36/143)
    12.  Biotechnology (37)
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Hits 1 - 7 of 7
Die Webpräsenz "Arboles ornamentales" bietet in spanischer Sprache Beschreibungen und Fotos zu Ziergehölzen Spaniens (sowohl Bäume als auch Sträucher). Derzeit sind etwa 700 bis 800 Baumarten enthalten; weitere sollen noch hinzugefügt werden. Der Urheber ist Herausgeber der auf insgesamt 12 Bände angelegten "Flora Ornamental Espanola" und bietet auf den Webseiten, abgesehen von Holzgewächsen, auch Beschreibungen einiger anderer nichtholziger Gewächse. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Other reference works; Discipline based websitesResource type
This atlas explores the continental-scale relations between the geographic ranges of woody plant species and climate in North America. A 25-km equal-area grid of modern climatic and bioclimatic parameters was constructed from instrumental weather records. The geographic distributions of selected tree and shrub species were digitized, and the presence or absence of each species was determined for each cell on the 25-km grid, thus providing a basis for comparing climatic data and species' distributions. ... [Information of the supplier]
Other reference worksResource type
This site offers a simple method of identifying woody plants from their leaves. It is intended for laypeople and those learning biology in primary and secondary schools. The collection is being constantly expanded. All pictures are from the author. Unless otherwise stated, the size on a 17" monitor is roughly the size in reality. [Information of the supplier, translated]
Identification keys; Discipline based websitesResource type
This interactive key to the perennial woody plants of Minnesota was developed with the goal of providing an easy-to-use guide to identification of all woody plant species occurring in the state. The key includes native species as well as naturalized introduced and commonly cultivated woody plants. [Information of the supplier]
Factual databases; Identification keysResource type
Welcome to the digital flora of Panama. You may access the species list of common trees, shrubs and palms by species name, family, or by their common names in Panama. For each species, we have included a botanical description, photos, scans, drawings, and a distribution map which shows its presence or absence in a series of floristic inventories and plots established by the Center for Tropical Forest Science in the Panama Canal watershed. This is an ongoing project. [Information of the supplier]
Other reference worksResource type
"Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States", USDA Agric. Handbk. 450, was published in 1974. Seed data were presented for about 800 species, varieties, and sub-species in 188 genera, considerable more than the 420 species and 140 genera in the 1948 edition. The 1974 Handbook proved to be very popular both in this country and abroad, leading to five printings and translations in several other languages. More than a quarter-century after its publication, however, numerous advances in tree seed technology ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Discipline based websitesResource type
The University of Connecticut has developed this site dedicated to the ornamental attributes, appropriate use and identification of landscape plants. This site is geared toward the teaching of landscape plants and contains valuable information for students, homeowners and plant professionals. At the core of this site are plant information pages that contain text, photographs, illustrations and latin name pronounciations. The plants listed in this resource are meant to create an awareness of the great ... [Information of the supplier]
Factual databasesResource type
If you feel like something is missing here, please use our suggestion form and help us complete our collection.