vifabio » Internet Guide: Subject


  1.  Life sciences, biology (60/791)
  2.  Physiology and related subjects (9/252)
  3.  Biochemistry (66/523)
  4.  Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals (4/100)
    1.  Circulatory system (6)
    2.  Digestive system (1)
    3.  Endocrine and excretory systems (7)
    4.  Integument (1)
    5.  Reproductive system of animals (3)
    6.  Musculoskeletal system (4)
    7.  Nervous and sensory system (74)
  5.  Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants (2/25)
    1.  Stems (4)
    2.  Roots and leaves (5)
    3.  Reproductive organs, flowers (13)
    4.  Circulation, food storage, excretion (1)
  6.  Genetics and evolution (11/147)
  7.  Ecology (134/434)
  8.  Natural history of organisms and related subjects (12/283)
    1.  Adaptation (2)
    2.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms (8/49)
      1.  Nonnative species (26)
      2.  Beneficial organisms (2)
      3.  Harmful organisms (7)
      4.  Rare and endangered species (8)
    3.  Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments (1/54)
    4.  General topics in natural history of organisms (0/169)
  9.  Natural history of specific kinds of organisms (0/2634)
  10.  Economics of land and energy (5/425)
  11.  Other subjects (0/511)
    1.  Bibliography (105)
    2.  Political sciences (Politics and government) (7)
    3.  Law (5)
    4.  Natural history (38)
    5.  Physics (2)
    6.  Chemistry and allied sciences (16)
    7.  Earth Sciences (31)
    8.  Paleontology, Paleozoology (28/42)
      1.  Paleobotany, fossil microorganisms (8)
      2.  Reptilia (7)
    9.  Technology (10)
    10.  Medicine and health (119)
    11.  Agriculture and related technologies (36/143)
    12.  Biotechnology (37)
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Reproductive system of animals
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Die AGRBM wurde 1997 gegründet zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit in der Reproduktionsbiologie tätiger Personen in den drei Bereichen Forschung, Nachwuchsförderung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Die derzeit ca. 100 Mitglieder sind z.Z in 5 Arbeitskreisen aktiv (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Qualitätsmanagement, Recht, Statut, Internet). [vdbiol] [Miscellaneous as indicated]
Academic societies, professional associations, working groupsResource type
This Volume of animal placentas was created to assist with the examination and evaluation of the many different types of mammalian placentas. [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based websitesResource type
The Ovarian Kaleidoscope Database provides information regarding the biological function, expression pattern and regulation of genes expressed in the ovary.It also contains information on gene sequences, chromosomal localization, human and murine mutation phenotypes and biomedical publication links. Everyone is welcomed and invited to search and/or submit genes! [Information of the supplier]
Factual databasesResource type
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