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Medicine and health
Hits 31 - 40 of 119
BioPortal is a Web-based application for accessing and sharing ontologies. BioPortal provides functionality to browse and search across all ontologies, supports views/slims/value sets and mappings between ontologies. [Information of the supplier]
Factual databasesResource type
Developed as part of the BioText project at the University of California, Berkeley, the BioText Search Engine is a freely available Web-based application that provides biologists with new ways to access the scientific literature. The interface has been carefully designed according to usability principles and techniques. Three views allow different types of browsing: (A) Abstracts (List View): Allows users to search over titles, abstracts and authors. Returns a list of abstracts showing the figures ... [Information of the supplier]
Other reference worksResource type is an attempt at collecting an exhaustive hyperlinked database links to the vast amounts of freely available and commercial bioinformatics and biocomputing software. The database consists of records obtained from automated harvesting of online repositories of software, from journals delving with bioinformatics software and from currated manual entries. The database is updated on a bi-monthly basis and links to the software are verified. [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based portals and link collectionsResource type
The Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) is a national initiative to advance biomedical research through data sharing and online collaboration. Our work focuses directly on the biomedical research community’s unique, data-intensive sharing and analysis needs, which are particularly evident in fields such as biomedical imaging and genetics. BIRN provides a user-driven, software-based framework for research teams to share significant quantities of data – rapidly, securely and privately – ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Other institutions / organisationsResource type
Diese Website, ein Angebot des dänischen Lundbeck Instituts, gibt einen kompakten Überblick über biologische und medizinische Aspekte des menschlichen Denkorgans, dem Gehirn. Der "Brain Explorer" bietet neben allgemeinen Textinformationen und Abbildungen auch einige spezielle Videobeiträge zu den wichtigen Botenstoffen Noradrenalin und Serotonin. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Discipline based websitesResource type
Die Erforschung der Welt in unserem Kopf ist eines der spannendsten und brisantesten Projekte der Wissenschaft. Längst tragen nicht mehr nur Philosophen, Psychologen und Pädagogen, sondern auch Biologen, Mediziner und KI-Forscher dazu bei. Die Disziplinen häufen immer mehr Wissen an – auch über die Grenzen von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften hinweg. Das darf nicht unkommentiert bleiben, so lautet die Idee von Brainlogs. Ob freier Wille oder Neuro-Enhancement, Online-Dating oder Alzheimer-WG: ... [Information of the supplier]
Newsletter, mailing lists, forums, blogsResource type
The BSI is one of the oldest, largest, and most active, Immunology societies in the world and is the largest in Europe. Our members are based all over the world, with the majority working in Britain. Our members work throughout the entire Immunology chain, stretching from the laboratory bench right through to the clinics and hospitals. The fields in which they work are wide and extensive, from HIV/AIDS to allergy, diabetes, malaria, TB, animal health, arthritis, transplantation, vaccination and infectious ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Academic societies, professional associations, working groupsResource type
The new Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is the scientific body of the Federal Republic of Germany that prepares expert reports and opinions on questions of food safety and consumer health protection on the basis of internationally recognised scientific assessment criteria. With the help of risk analysis, BfR formulates action options for risk reduction. Against this backdrop, the Institute assumes an important task in improving consumer health protection and food safety. The assessments ... [Information of the supplier]
Official corporations and organisationsResource type
The NCI's Cancer Genome Anatomy Project sought to determine the gene expression profiles of normal, precancer, and cancer cells, leading eventually to improved detection, diagnosis, and treatment for the patient. Resources generated by the CGAP initiative are available to the broad cancer community. Interconnected modules provide access to all CGAP data, bioinformatic analysis tools, and biological resources allowing the user to find "in silico" answers to biological questions in a fraction of the ... [Information of the supplier]
Research projectsResource type
2018-09-23 — 2018-09-25, Sitges
This meeting brings together scientists who have interests in aging, metabolism, and immunology to explore the growing intersection between these fields and to discuss key questions and important areas of future investigation. Our aim is to spur the progress of efforts to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the aging process, so as to inform current approaches of disease treatment and prevention, and to provide an improved understanding of healthy aging. [Information of the supplier]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
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