vifabio » Internet Guide: Subject


  1.  Life sciences, biology (60/791)
    1.  Philosophy and theory in biology (22/113)
    2.  Miscellany (23/199)
    3.  Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances in biology (15)
    4.  Serial publications in biology (7)
    5.  Organizations and management (194)
    6.  Education, research, related topics (49/229)
    7.  Historical, geographic, persons treatment (13/51)
      1.  Biologists (39)
  2.  Physiology and related subjects (9/252)
  3.  Biochemistry (66/523)
  4.  Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals (4/100)
  5.  Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants (2/25)
  6.  Genetics and evolution (11/147)
  7.  Ecology (134/434)
  8.  Natural history of organisms and related subjects (12/283)
  9.  Natural history of specific kinds of organisms (0/2634)
    1.  Microorganisms, fungi and algae (49/307)
    2.  Plants (Botany) (75/331)
    3.  Specific topics in natural history of plants (2/418)
    4.  Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers (3/60)
    5.  Animals (Zoology) (41/323)
    6.  Specific topics in natural history of animals (4/247)
      1.  Genetics, evolution, young of animals (5/27)
      2.  Behavior (108)
      3.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals (10/40)
      4.  Animals characteristic of specific environments, animal ecology (2/44)
        1.  Forest animals (1)
        2.  Grassland animals (2)
        3.  Animals of miscellaneous environments (4)
        4.  Aquatic animals (9)
        5.  Marine animals (16)
        6.  Synecology and population biology of animals (2/10)
      5.  Treatments of animals by specific continents, countries, localities (32)
    7.  Specific taxonomic groups of plants (0/172)
    8.  Specific taxonomic groups of animals (0/1181)
  10.  Economics of land and energy (5/425)
  11.  Other subjects (0/511)
You are viewing sources for:
Historical, geographic, persons treatment
Hits 1 - 10 of 13 Alexander von Humboldt Informationen online. is an online information platform about worldwide activities regarding Humboldt. It is also the succeeding project of Alexander von Humboldt im Netz (, which has been collecting and commenting information and marterials about the life and achievements of Alexander von Humboldt since 1999. Humboldt Informationen online. wants to be an introduction to this great scientist and erudite, present worldwide ... [Information of the supplier]
Access on historical literature; Personal websites / biographiesResource type
The Hispanic Digital Library is the digital library of the Biblioteca Nacional de España. It provides access free of charge to thousands of digitised documents, including books printed from the 15th to the 19th century, manuscripts, drawings, engravings, pamphlets, posters, photographs, maps, atlases, music scores, historic newspapers and magazines and audio recordings. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Literature databases; Access on historical literatureResource type
On this site, you will find the world's first & only large collection of full colour, high-resolution images of faithfully transcribed Darwin manuscripts. These manuscripts record Charles Darwin's work as a practicing scientist. Whether you are a student or a researcher, our goal is to offer you digital access to the primary evidence for the birth and maturation of Darwin's attempts to explore and explain the natural world.(...) The AMNH Darwin Manuscripts Project is a historical and textual edition ... [Information of the supplier]
Literature databases; Access on historical literatureResource type
The purpose and function of the DGGTB (German Society for the History and Theory of Biology) is to promote the communication of the history and theory of all biological subjects by means of scientific events such as colloquia, symposia, working groups, and to foster scientific exchange between its members and younger developing scientists, to build up relationships with the corresponding foreign and domestic associations, especially in the neighbouring European states, and to build up and effectively ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
Academic societies, professional associations, working groups; Literature databasesResource type
With the new Google Maps Gallery, it’s easier for you to find maps all in one place. Maps Gallery works like an interactive, digital atlas. You can explore historic city plans, climate trends, housing affordability, shipwrecks and up-to-date evacuation routes. [From: Google Map Gallery Blog.] [Information of the supplier, modified]
Other reference worksResource type
HMAP is a global research initiative to study the past ocean life and human interaction with the sea. We are a group of about 100 researchers who have joined forces to develop an interdisciplinary research program using historical and environmental archives. HMAP analyzes marine population data before and after human impacts on the ocean became significant. HMAP aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life in the worlds oceans changes ... [Information of the supplier]
Research projects; Discipline based websitesResource type
Save the date. The 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society will be held in Malaga, Spain, from January 8-12th, 2019. Check back within the next few months for the latest details about the conference. Deadline to submit a symposia proposal for this meeting is December 15. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
Carl Linnaeus was born nearly 300 years ago in a small village in Småland, Råshult. Celebrations of the tercentenary are currently being prepared throughout Sweden and in many places abroad. The Linnaeus Tercentenary will offer many exciting events - from scientific conferences to lectures for the general public, exhibitions, Linnaeus rambles in the countryside, and guided tours of the Linnaeus Sites in Småland and Uppland. The Linnaeus Tercentenary has two clear goals. The first goal is to increase ... [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based portals and link collections; Personal websites / biographiesResource type
Das Portal mit umfangreichen Text- und Bildinformationen zu vielen Tier-, Pflanzen-, Flechten und Pilzarten Nordrhein-Westfalens. Die Artenvielfalt NRW's wartet auf Sie in zur Zeit 86 Artenlisten mit insgesamt 15.813 Arten, ausführlichen Informationen zu 754 Arten und 925 kleinen Tierfilmen. Mit möglichst tatkräftiger Unterstützung soll an dieser Stelle ein Portal geschaffen werden, in dem möglichst alle in NRW vorkommenden Tier- und Pflanzenarten mit Text- und Bildinformationen vorgestellt werden ... [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based websitesResource type
Wir laden Sie ein zu einer Reise durch die Geschichte des ostdeutschen Naturschutzes. Zeitzeugen und Zeitzeuginnen geben Auskunft darüber, wie sie die Entwicklung des Naturschutzes in der DDR erlebt haben, blicken zurück auf Ereignisse und Entwicklungen, berichten über Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen. Es entsteht ein vielgestaltiges Bild dazu, was Naturschutz in der DDR war, was er leisten konnte und wie er in die Vergangenheit und Zukunft des Naturschutzes einzuordnen ist. [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based websitesResource type
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