vifabio » Internet Guide: Subject


  1.  Life sciences, biology (60/791)
  2.  Physiology and related subjects (9/252)
  3.  Biochemistry (66/523)
    1.  Biochemistry in animals (9)
    2.  Biochemistry in plants and microorganisms (24)
    3.  General topics of biochemistry (29)
    4.  Metabolism (21)
    5.  Miscellaneous chemicals (13)
    6.  Proteins (82)
    7.  Enzymes (10)
    8.  Biochemical genetics (71/309)
      1.  Biochemical genetics in animals (34)
      2.  Biochemical genetics in plants and microorganisms (45)
      3.  General topics in biochemical genetics (38)
      4.  Metabolism in biochemical genetics (4)
      5.  Nucleotides (1)
      6.  DNA (Desoxyribonucleic acid) (104)
      7.  Chromosomes (4)
      8.  RNA (Ribonucleic acid) (31)
  4.  Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals (4/100)
    1.  Circulatory system (6)
    2.  Digestive system (1)
    3.  Endocrine and excretory systems (7)
    4.  Integument (1)
    5.  Reproductive system of animals (3)
    6.  Musculoskeletal system (4)
    7.  Nervous and sensory system (74)
  5.  Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants (2/25)
  6.  Genetics and evolution (11/147)
  7.  Ecology (134/434)
  8.  Natural history of organisms and related subjects (12/283)
    1.  Adaptation (2)
    2.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms (8/49)
    3.  Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments (1/54)
    4.  General topics in natural history of organisms (0/169)
  9.  Natural history of specific kinds of organisms (0/2634)
    1.  Microorganisms, fungi and algae (49/307)
      1.  Specific topics in natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae (33)
      2.  Viruses and subviral organisms (15)
      3.  Prokaryotes (Bacteria) (32)
      4.  Protozoa (18)
      5.  Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (99)
      6.  Mushrooms (16)
      7.  Lichens (24)
      8.  Algae (44)
    2.  Plants (Botany) (75/331)
    3.  Specific topics in natural history of plants (2/418)
      1.  Plant genetics and evolution (8/21)
      2.  Adaptation (5)
      3.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of plants (11/82)
        1.  Nonnative plants (20)
        2.  Beneficial plants (43)
        3.  Harmful plants (9)
        4.  Rare and endangered plants (4)
      4.  Plants characteristic of specific environments, plant ecology (16/63)
        1.  Forest plants (5)
        2.  Grassland plants (6)
        3.  Plants of miscellaneous environments (10)
        4.  Aquatic plants (10)
        5.  Synecology and population biology of plants (6/17)
      5.  Treatments of plants by specific continents, countries, localities (260)
    4.  Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers (3/60)
      1.  Herbaceous and woody plants, plants noted for their flowers (3/57)
        1.  Plants noted for their flowers (16)
        2.  Trees (37)
        3.  Shrubs (7)
        4.  Vines (2)
    5.  Animals (Zoology) (41/323)
    6.  Specific topics in natural history of animals (4/247)
    7.  Specific taxonomic groups of plants (0/172)
    8.  Specific taxonomic groups of animals (0/1181)
      1.  Invertebrates (15/63)
      2.  Miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates (2/17)
        1.  Cnidaria (Coelenterata) (5)
        2.  Anthozoa (7)
        3.  Ctenophora (Comb jellies) (1)
        4.  Echinodermata and Hemichordata (3)
      3.  Mollusks and molluscoids (16/31)
      4.  Arthropods (13/560)
        1.  Crustacea (31)
        2.  Chelicerata, Arachnida (40)
        3.  Myriapoda (4)
        4.  Insecta (Insects) (131/479)
          1.  General topics in natural history of insects (15)
          2.  Apterygota, Orthoptera and related orders (28)
          3.  Exopterygota (Hemimetabola) (33)
          4.  Mecoptera, Trichoptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidiodea (11)
          5.  Homoptera, Heteroptera, Anoplura, Mallophaga, Thysanoptera (35)
          6.  Coleoptera (Beetles) (54)
          7.  Diptera (Flies) and Siphonaptera (57)
          8.  Lepidoptera (71)
          9.  Hymenoptera (51)
      5.  Chordates (17/519)
        1.  Cold-blooded vertebrates, Pisces (fishes) (13/100)
        2.  Birds (103/193)
        3.  Mammals (36/212)
  10.  Economics of land and energy (5/425)
    1.  Natural resources and energy (20/181)
      1.  Conservation and protection (127/162)
    2.  Other natural resources (1/226)
      1.  Water (7/11)
      2.  Biological resources (118/215)
    3.  Environmental problems (28/40)
  11.  Other subjects (0/511)
    1.  Bibliography (105)
    2.  Political sciences (Politics and government) (7)
    3.  Law (5)
    4.  Natural history (38)
    5.  Physics (2)
    6.  Chemistry and allied sciences (16)
    7.  Earth Sciences (31)
    8.  Paleontology, Paleozoology (28/42)
    9.  Technology (10)
    10.  Medicine and health (119)
    11.  Agriculture and related technologies (36/143)
    12.  Biotechnology (37)
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Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of plants
Hits 1 - 10 of 11
2016-06-19 — 2016-06-25, Prague
The congress is organized by the International Weed Science Society (IWSS), which is celebrating 40 years of activity. After six very successful congresses in Australia (1992), Denmark (1996), Brazil (2000), South Africa (2004), Canada (2008) and China (2012), it is a big challenge for both IWSS and local organizers to uphold a very high standard of congresses and satisfy all expectations of attendees. The organizing committee is truly glad to host this prestigious event in the Czech Republic - a ... [Information of the supplier]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
The CP database is run by Rick Walker, and is one of the central sites for carnivorous plants on the web. At this site you can search for information on all the carnivorous plant species, and photographs are available for many. The database includes over 3000 entries giving an exhaustive nomenclatural synopsis of all Carnivorous Plants. The following genera are treated as being carnivorous here: Aldrovanda, Byblis, Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, Dionaea, Drosera, Drosophyllum, Genlisea, Heliamphora, Nepenthes, ... [Information of the supplier]
Factual databasesResource type
Der vorliegende Text enthält die Bearbeitung aller Kleinarten der Gattungen Alchemilla, Rubus, Sorbus (Rosaceae), Taraxacum (Asteraceae) und des Ranunculus auricomus agg. (Ranunculaceae) aus ROTHMALER – Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Band 4 (Kritischer Band), 10. Auflage, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2005. Die Datei wird als kostenloser PDF-Download zur Verfügung gestellt, da diese Gruppen in der 2011 erschienenen 20. Auflage des Rothmaler-Grundbandes nicht oder nicht vollständig enthalten ... [Information of the supplier]
Other reference worksResource type
Fleischfressende Pflanzen sind vom ersten Moment an faszinierend - und mit Sicherheit liegt das nicht nur an der Tatsache, dass sie das Prinzip "Tiere fressen Pflanzen" auf den Kopf stellen. Lernen Sie auf den folgenden Seiten mehr über diese geheimnisvollen Pflanzen! In unserer Karnivoren-Datenbank erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Gattungen und Arten, über deren Kulturmethoden und Besonderheiten. Nach Möglichkeit versuchen wir, von den Arten Fotos vom Naturstandort zu veröffentlichen.
Discipline based websitesResource type
Jeremy Roberts’s Botanical Pages are still in development – so far, only Trichophorum, Eleocharis (and a bit on the newly-described Hymenophyllum hybrid, H. x scopulorum) are online, with descriptions, photos and identification keys. All photos are by F.J. Roberts, except where otherwise acknowledged. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Identification keys; Discipline based websitesResource type
This web page provides access to keys for the identification of some plant groups occurring in Great Britain (genera Narcissus, Euphrasia, Equisetum, Fumaria, as well as ferns). Some of the keys require the user to install special software. The page is part of BSBI's web site "Find Wild Flowers". [Editorial staff vifabio]
Identification keysResource type
Simply put, we are passionate about caring for and preserving the beauty of the natural world. One of the most effective ways we have found to achieve this is by growing native plants for environmental restoration projects and by working in close partnership with public agencies and private landowners in the protection and management of natural areas. [Information of the supplier]
Other institutions / organisationsResource type
Native American Ethnobotany is "a database of plants used as drugs, foods, dyes, fibers, and more, by native Peoples of North America. (...) It is the result of a series of efforts over 25 years. A book based on the data base has been published by Timber Press, in Portland, OR, in 1998. (...) In the spring of 2003, substantial revisions of the database were made, revising its looks, and adding links to the US Department of Agriculture PLANTS database. This means that complete botanical information ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Factual databasesResource type
Plants can be sexy. Raise your eyebrows if you will, but to a plant lover, certain plants possess an undeniable allure. And plant-love can make you do crazy things, like scaling a muddy cliff to snap a photo of an extremely rare tropical flower or travelling to a remote corner of eastern Oregon to look for a fern the size of a postage stamp. If you were on a mission to track down the sexiest plants in the world – a botanist’s dream trip – here are eight plant species and corresponding destinations ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Discipline based websitesResource type
2019-08-15 — 2019-08-16, Braunschweig
Der Arbeitskreis »Phytomedizin im urbanen Grün« der Deutschen Phytomedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V. führt seine Symposiumsreihe »Urbane Pflanzen Conferenzen (UPC)« in enger Kooperation mit der Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin und dem Julius Kühn-Institut sowie weiteren Partnern durch. Spezialisten und Interessierte aus Verbänden, Forschung, Industrie und Behörden finden hier ein Dach für ihren themenbezogenen Austausch über diverse Aspekte des urbanen Grüns. Die Tagung findet vom 15.-16. August ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
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