vifabio » Internet Guide: Subject


  1.  Life sciences, biology (60/791)
  2.  Physiology and related subjects (9/252)
  3.  Biochemistry (66/523)
    1.  Biochemistry in animals (9)
    2.  Biochemistry in plants and microorganisms (24)
    3.  General topics of biochemistry (29)
    4.  Metabolism (21)
    5.  Miscellaneous chemicals (13)
    6.  Proteins (82)
    7.  Enzymes (10)
    8.  Biochemical genetics (71/309)
  4.  Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals (4/100)
  5.  Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants (2/25)
  6.  Genetics and evolution (11/147)
  7.  Ecology (134/434)
  8.  Natural history of organisms and related subjects (12/283)
    1.  Adaptation (2)
    2.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms (8/49)
    3.  Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments (1/54)
    4.  General topics in natural history of organisms (0/169)
  9.  Natural history of specific kinds of organisms (0/2634)
    1.  Microorganisms, fungi and algae (49/307)
      1.  Specific topics in natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae (33)
      2.  Viruses and subviral organisms (15)
      3.  Prokaryotes (Bacteria) (32)
      4.  Protozoa (18)
      5.  Fungi, Eumycophyta (True fungi) (99)
      6.  Mushrooms (16)
      7.  Lichens (24)
      8.  Algae (44)
    2.  Plants (Botany) (75/331)
    3.  Specific topics in natural history of plants (2/418)
      1.  Plant genetics and evolution (8/21)
      2.  Adaptation (5)
      3.  Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of plants (11/82)
      4.  Plants characteristic of specific environments, plant ecology (16/63)
      5.  Treatments of plants by specific continents, countries, localities (260)
    4.  Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers (3/60)
      1.  Herbaceous and woody plants, plants noted for their flowers (3/57)
        1.  Plants noted for their flowers (16)
        2.  Trees (37)
        3.  Shrubs (7)
        4.  Vines (2)
    5.  Animals (Zoology) (41/323)
    6.  Specific topics in natural history of animals (4/247)
    7.  Specific taxonomic groups of plants (0/172)
    8.  Specific taxonomic groups of animals (0/1181)
      1.  Invertebrates (15/63)
      2.  Miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates (2/17)
        1.  Cnidaria (Coelenterata) (5)
        2.  Anthozoa (7)
        3.  Ctenophora (Comb jellies) (1)
        4.  Echinodermata and Hemichordata (3)
      3.  Mollusks and molluscoids (16/31)
      4.  Arthropods (13/560)
        1.  Crustacea (31)
        2.  Chelicerata, Arachnida (40)
        3.  Myriapoda (4)
        4.  Insecta (Insects) (131/479)
          1.  General topics in natural history of insects (15)
          2.  Apterygota, Orthoptera and related orders (28)
          3.  Exopterygota (Hemimetabola) (33)
          4.  Mecoptera, Trichoptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidiodea (11)
          5.  Homoptera, Heteroptera, Anoplura, Mallophaga, Thysanoptera (35)
          6.  Coleoptera (Beetles) (54)
          7.  Diptera (Flies) and Siphonaptera (57)
          8.  Lepidoptera (71)
          9.  Hymenoptera (51)
      5.  Chordates (17/519)
        1.  Cold-blooded vertebrates, Pisces (fishes) (13/100)
        2.  Birds (103/193)
        3.  Mammals (36/212)
  10.  Economics of land and energy (5/425)
  11.  Other subjects (0/511)
    1.  Bibliography (105)
    2.  Political sciences (Politics and government) (7)
    3.  Law (5)
    4.  Natural history (38)
    5.  Physics (2)
    6.  Chemistry and allied sciences (16)
    7.  Earth Sciences (31)
    8.  Paleontology, Paleozoology (28/42)
    9.  Technology (10)
    10.  Medicine and health (119)
    11.  Agriculture and related technologies (36/143)
    12.  Biotechnology (37)
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Hits 1 - 10 of 51
2016-10-14 — 2016-10-16, Stuttgart
Die 12. Hymenopterologen-Tagung findet vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 2016 in Stuttgart statt. Diese Tagung hat sich zu einer der wichtigsten Plattformen der mitteleuropäischen Hymenopterologen entwickelt und dient neben der Präsentation aktueller Forschungsergebnisse dem Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch und der Netzwerkbildung. Die Tagung wird alle zwei Jahre vom Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart und dem Arbeitskreis Wildbienen-Kataster des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart ausgerichtet ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
Diese Internetseite bietet besonders Anfängern einen guten Einblick in die Welt der Ameisen. Neben einer bebilderten Artenliste werden auch Anatomie und Entwicklungsbiologie der Tiere anschaulich erläutert. Zusätzlich beschäftigt sich die Seite ausführlich mit der Haltung von Ameisen in der eigenen Wohnung. Von der Wahl der richtigen Art bis hin zur geeigneten Behausung für die Tiere bleiben keine Fragen offen. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Discipline based websitesResource type
Welcome to, the Social Insects WWW ant pages. Antbase is now providing for the first time access to all the ant species of the world, one of the ecologically most important groups of animals worldwide. Antbase is a collaborative effort between scientists from around the world, aiming at providing the best possible access to the wealth of information on ants, to fulfill the conservation needs of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), and the Species Survival Commission ... [Information of the supplier]
Factual databasesResource type
This "taxonomic Ant Picturebase" is a virtual museum of ants (Formicidae) of Malaysia, Mongolia and Germany. 496 ant species (94 genera) are shown in high resolution pictures, 16 posters on Asian ants are currently in our poster exhibition, and we have many more interesting information on ants. [Information of the supplier]
Picture databasesResource type
With about 12,500 known species, ants are a pivotal group of eusocial insects. Their estimated 10,000 trillions of individuals equal us in biomass (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990), and they are hugely important ecologically and as our food competitors. Their diversity and niche specialization also make ants bio-indicators for land use and conservation. This symposium focuses on interactions between ants, plants, fungi and other insects, central themes in ecology and evolution. The understanding of interactions ... [Information of the supplier]
Conferences and Congresses (archive)Resource type
This web page contains several information about ants, especially Australian ones. Beside general note on their biology, a catalogue of Australian species and a key to the genera are available. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Discipline based websitesResource type
7. AntWeb
AntWeb provides tools for exploring the diversity and identification of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). These tools have been developed to encourage the study of ants, to facilitate the use of ants in inventory and monitoring programs, and to provide ant taxonomists with access to images of type specimens. Currently AntWeb contains information on the ant faunas of several areas in the Nearctic and Malagasy biogeographic regions, and global coverage of all ant genera. Antweb is funded from private ... [Information of the supplier]
Discipline based websitesResource type
Die private Webseite widmet sich der Arterhaltung der einzigen in Mitteleuropa einheimischen Honigbiene (Apis mellifera mellifera). Die Lebensweise der stark gefährdeten Art wird ebenso vorgestellt wie ihre Haltungs- und Zuchtanforderungen. Zusätzliche Informationen zu Honigbienen-Arten und –Rassen weltweit sowie die Vorstellung des Imker-Handwerks ergänzen die Seite. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Discipline based websitesResource type
The detailed private website dedicates itself to honey bees and illustrates all sides of the honey production. Apart from a list of all honey plants and the different kinds of honey the side deals with the biology of the honey bee Apis mellifera. Additionally the beekeeper handicraft is presented and useful information for beginners are given. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Discipline based websitesResource type
This private web site is dedicated to stinging wasps (Aculeata; Hymenoptera) of Central Europe. It provides Red data lists and checklists for all German species and hints on important identification literature. All issues of the Journal bembiX, which is released since 1993 and the publications of the author are downloadable. [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Discipline based websitesResource type
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