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...Ecological Abstracts is a topical, comprehensive reference source for literature in the fields of marine, freshwater... ...and terrestrial ecology. It provides a specialist overview of the increasing number of papers being published in the field...
...Die E.V. Komarek Fire Ecology Database ist seit 1998 auf der Tall Timbers-Webpräsenz zugänglich. Die Datenbank bietet... ...Ecology Thesaurus ist ein spezielles Werkzeug zur Erschließung der Datenbank-Einträge. [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt...
...This site is intended to serve as a source for identifying datasets that are useful to the study of ecology and quickly... ...figuring out the best ways to use them. The idea is to use the knowlege and effort of the entire ecological community to...
21.09.2015 — 25.09.2015, Rome
...13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) and 25th Italian Society of Ecology’s (S.It.E.) joint conference... ...“Ecology at the Interface” focuses on interactions at all biological levels, from membrane exchanges to food web...
17.09.2017 — 21.09.2017, Jeju [Korea]
...The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference will be held in 2017 under the theme, Adaptation... ...and Evolution in Ecological Modelling: Linking Society and Academic Approaches in Disturbance and Disaster Management...
12.12.2021 — 15.12.2021, Liverpool
...British Ecological Society (BES)... ...After a successful joint Annual Meeting in 2014, the British Ecological Society (BES) and the French Society for...
02.05.2023 — 06.05.2023, Toronto
...of ecological models and systems ecology. At present, we intend to host The International Society for Ecological... ...International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM)...
02.09.2025 — 05.09.2025, Bratislava
...IALE = International Association for Landscape Ecology... ...The IALE 2025 European Landscape Ecology Congress will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia, and aims to address...
...Sevilleta LTER is part of the National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research Network and is managed by the... ...Sevilleta LTER ist Teil des National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research Network und wird von dem...
...The Ecological Database of the British Isles has been constructed from a wide variety of sources by Dr Helen Peat and... ...Professor Alastair Fitter at the University of York, with financial support from the British Ecological Society and the Natural...
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