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We invite you to attend ISBE 2018, the next meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. The meeting will be held at the Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., from 11-16 August, 2018. We hope to have a diverse representation of behavioral ecologists on hand for an ... [Information des Anbieters]
Wildlife Research and Conservation 2019 (WRC2019) aims to foster an exchange of ideas between wildlife scientists from different disciplines. We welcome contributions to the following topics: Life-history and Phenotypic plasticity, Social behaviour/Mating systems, Hormones & Behaviour, Conservation ... [Information of the supplier] liefert Links zu Aufnahmen verschiedener Vogelstimmen aus einer Liste von 10.000 Vögeln. Außerdem bietet diese Website ein Forum mit der Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen. [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
Feeding movements in many reptiles and amphibians are typically extremely brief, too short in duration to be seen by the unaided eye. The movies on this site were made using high-speed video cameras running at speeds of up to 10,000 images per second. For comparison, normal video records at only 50 or 60 ... [Information of the supplier]
The purpose of this society is to promote and encourage the biological study of animal behavior in the broadest sense, including studies at all levels of organization using both descriptive and experimental methods under natural and controlled conditions. Both research studies and the dissemination of ... [Information of the supplier]
Database of Migratory Species at Global scale (4344 species, 5500 literature references, Internet-Links, data on distribution and migration behaviour, 1174 GIS-maps, Threat Analysis) - Migratory species are an important dynamic component of biodiversity. The conservation and protection of these species ... [Information of the supplier]
The Animal Sound Archive (Tierstimmenarchiv) of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is an unique scientific collection. It has a large potential for scientific and educational purposes.The Animal Sound Archive of the Humboldt-University is one of the oldest and largest collections of animal sounds. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Macaulay Library is the world's largest archive of animal sounds.We have more than 160,000 recordings of 67 percent of the world's birds, and rapidly increasing holdings of insects, fish, frogs, and mammals. The Macaulay Library is a principal source of sound recordings for basic research, education, ... [Information of the supplier]
Werner Stangls Arbeitsblätter ist eine Psychologieseite für Lehrer und Studenten, die für Biologen in den Teilbereichen Gehirn, Gedächtnis und Lernen interessant ist, da zum Beispiel Theorien der Verhaltensforschung bei Tieren (Skinner etc.) vorstellt werden. Die einzelnen Lehreinheiten enthalten Links, ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Das Buch „Migration of birds“, das zum ersten Mal 1935 erschienen ist, wird auf dieser Webseite in der überarbeiteten Version von 1998 als Online-Buch zugänglich gemacht. Thema ist der Vogelzug mit Schwerpunkt Nordamerika, u.a. werden auch Informationen zu Kurzstreckenziehern, Langstreckenziehern, ... [Redaktion vifabio]
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