As President of the International Union of Photobiology, IUPB, as Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee and as Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, we invite you to join us during the 16th International Congress on Photobiology to be held in the City of Córdoba in Argentina in September (8th to 12th) 2014, in the Campus of the University. This congress is organized every five years with the last one in Düsseldorf, Germany, in 2009. The Congress will address all areas of Photobiology such as photosensors in Archaea, Bacteria and Eucaria, photosynthesis including antennas and reaction centres, photomovement, photomorphogenesis, cryptochromes, LOV, BLUF and retinal proteins and domains, vision, circadian rhythms, environmental photobiology, UV influence on plankton, UV damage, protection and repair of DNA, photoreceptors in extremophiles (at high altitudes and in the Antarctic and Arctic regions), photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, photomedicine, synthetic and natural photosensitizers, photodynamic therapy, PUVA, vitiligo, molecular basis of the medical uses of lamps and lasers, artificial tanning, optogenetics, optical technology, photophysics and photochemistry of natural compounds, modelling photosynthesis with man-made compounds, and others. Sessions will be organized in several of these areas. ... [Information of the supplier]
The purpose of the IUPB is the stimulation of scientific research in the following fields: 1. Physics, chemistry and climatology of non-ionizing radiations (ultra-violet, visible and infrared) in relation to their biological effects. 2. The effects of the application of these radiations in biology and medicine. In fulfillment of this purpose IUPB initiates arrangements for international congresses of photobiology and for other meetings as appropriate. The IUPB comprises national and international photobiology groups and individual members. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Biologicum Almtal ist eine jährliche Veranstaltung für die populäre Vermittlung biologischer Wissenschaft und ihrer internationalen Spitzenforschung. Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Biologicum Almtal ist der Verhaltensbiologe Prof. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal. Es befasst sich als transdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Symposium mit den zentralen Themen der modernen Biologie, immer mit dem Blick auf den Menschen. Das 1. Biologicum Almtal 2014 will die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse von den Emotionen beim Menschen und anderen Tieren vermitteln, ihre Funktionen, ihren Ausdruck im Verhalten, ihre Entstehung, die zugehörigen Hirnmechanismen. Es will aber auch die Grenzen ihrer Erforschbarkeit zwischen Messbarem und subjektivem Empfinden diskutieren und damit auch einen Spiegel für die eigenen Gefühle bereitstellen. ... [Information des Anbieters]
I am pleased to announce the call for scientific abstracts for CECE 2016, the 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, to take place on August 21-25, 2016. The meeting will be held in the historic city of Leuven, Belgium, close to Brussels and easily reachable by air, car, or public transport. The University of Leuven (KU Leuven), founded in 1425, is the oldest university in the Low Countries and one of the largest and most renowned universities in Europe. At CECE-2016 we will have the honour of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology (ESCE), which endorses the conference. The Society promotes research on endocrinology of all organisms at the molecular, cellular, systemic and evolutionary levels. Furthermore, it strives to integrate the field of comparative endocrinology with many related disciplines (biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, ecology, etc.). Meetings are organized every other year and special support is provided for young investigators. Interested parties are invited to apply for membership to ESCE at the following website: As for CECE-2016, great efforts are being made to offer all attendees a stimulating scientific program and an enjoyable stay in Leuven. The scientific program will include five selected plenary lectures, 24 symposia with 48 State-of-the-Art Lectures and 120 oral communications, as well as four poster sessions. A special symposium will be organized for young investigators, with prizes for the best oral and poster communications. Major social events will include a Welcome Reception at KU Leuven’s historic University Hall (Sunday 21st August), and a Social Banquet at the ‘Groot Begijnhof’ UNESCO World Heritage Site (Wednesday 24th August). A fantastic selection of Excursions will also be offered for the Tuesday afternoon (August 23rd). Your contribution to CECE-2016 is warmly welcomed and I invite you to submit a scientific abstract via the conference website when the submission system is open (expected January 2016). In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have about the conference. ... [Information of the supplier]
'The BindingDB is a public, web-accessible database of measured binding affinities for biomolecules, genetically or chemically modified biomolecules, and synthetic compounds.The database currently contains data generated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and enzyme inhibition (Enz. Inhib.) methods; other techniques will be included in the future. ... [Information of the supplier]
ChemMine is a compound mining database that facilitates drug and agrochemical discovery and chemical genomics screens. Its web service is divided into three major functional components: (1) Compound Database, comprising Annotation Search and Structure Search; (2) Cheminformatics Workbench; and (3) Screening Database. A detailed tutorial for using ChemMine's online services is available on the ReadMe page. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Biocurious is a weblog about biology (and physics, grad school, and miscellenaeous other things!) through the eyes of physicists. [Information of the supplier]
The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to determine the three dimensional structures of proteins of medical relevance, and place them in the public domain without restriction. The SGC operates out of the Universities of Oxford and Toronto and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. The SGC works on structures of proteins from its Target List of ~2,000 proteins, which comprises human proteins associated with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and genetic diseases, as well as proteins from human parasites such as those that cause malaria. Research at the SGC is divided into three areas: structural genomics of soluble proteins, structural genomics of integral membrane proteins, and structural chemistry of soluble proteins. ... [Information of the supplier]
myGrid is a suite of components designed to support in silico science, encompassing workflow design and execution, data and metadata management and provenance collection. The wealth of bioinformatics resources and data available in the public domain provides scientists with great opportunities for research, but the distribution and heterogeneity of the data means that integrating resources is challenging. myGrid addresses this problem by providing a mechanism of interoperating and integrating between these resources using Taverna workflows. Taverna workflows connect distributed web services and other services. Most of these services are not developed or maintained by myGrid, they are provided by third parties, for example, the major bioinformatics service providers – EBI, NCBI, DDBJ, and KEGG. In most cases, they are not even developed for Taverna, we simply exploit the Web Service technologies being adopted by the community. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Biological Biochemical Image Database is a searchable database of images of putative biological pathways, macromolecular structures, gene families, and cellular relationships. It is of use to those who are working with large sets of genes or proteins using cDNA arrays, functional genomics, or proteomics. [Information of the supplier]