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Understanding Evolution is a non-commercial, education website, teaching the science and history of evolutionary biology. This site is here to help you understand what evolution is, how it works, how it factors into your life, how research in evolutionary biology is performed, and how ideas in this area ... [Information of the supplier]
The twin goals of the MSU Digital Evolution Laboratory are to experimentally study digital organisms to improve our understanding of how natural evolution works, and then to apply this knowledge to solving computational problems. Much of the work in the Devolab is centered on research with and the ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Adaptive Evolution Database (TAED) consists of 4,294 higher plant and 15,452 chordate gene families. For each of these families, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees, ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitution rates (Ka/Ks), mappings from gene trees to the NCBI taxonomy ... [Information of the supplier]
The most complete collection of Darwin's work ever published - with original page numbers, illustrations etc. A search tool for the entire site or individual works stored in multiple files is provided (...). If scholars are to find digital texts more useful, it must be perfectly clear which historical ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Paläontologische Gesellschaft ist eine internationale Vereinigung für den deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie wurde 1912 in Greifswald gegründet. Ziele der Gesellschaft sind die Förderung der Paläontologie und der Kontakt unter den Paläontologen, Geowissenschaftlern und interessierten Laien aller Länder. ... [Information des Anbieters]
The origin and development of the diversity of species represents one of the greatest challenges to fundamental research in the whole field of biology. The basic concepts like adaptation or selection are universal and applicable to many different systems, making evolutionary biology the core of a new ... [Information of the supplier]
Originally launched in 2001 and updated in 2007, the PBS Evolution Web site is intended to serve as a comprehensive learning resource about evolutionary science for teachers, students and the general public. The site was originally developed in conjunction with an eight-hour television series co-produced ... [Information of the supplier]
NESCent’s scientific mission is to advance synthetic research that addresses fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. Synthetic research in evolutionary biology occurs along a continuum in terms of the scope of the scientific questions, tools and disciplines that may be involved. At one end of the ... [Information of the supplier]
The portal is operated by the “Darwin Year Committee” of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung and the AG Evolutionsbiologie in VBIO (Association for Biology, Bioscience, and Biomedicine). It has gathered, during the Darwin Year 2009 (200th birthday of Charles Darwin, 150th anniversary of the ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
10. Darwin Rocks!
Darwin Rocks! connects music and evolution. It wants to inspire you to think a bit about evolution. And mainly it wants you to have fun. The project consists of a computer program, a video clip, and this website. [Information of the supplier]
» Subject (BioDDC)
- Evolution (576.8) (61)
- Ecology (577) (5)
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- United States (9)
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- free (61)
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