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The Ecological Database of the World's Insect Pathogens (EDWIP) offers information on fungi, viruses, protozoa, mollicutes, nematodes, and bacteria¹ that are infectious in insects, mites, and related arthropods. Data in EDWIP include associations (or lack thereof) between pathogenic organisms and insect, ... [Information of the supplier]
Catalogue of the entomological library of the Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging (Durch Entomological Association), comprising about 40,000 titles (including journal articles), the geographical coverage being mainly European. [Editorial staff vifabio]
On this page the Bavarian Agency for Viticulture and Horticulture presents a simple, general identification key for insects and spiders aimed at amateur gardeners and people interested in natural history who have no foreknowledge of the subject. By means of many pictures and a little text, and with no ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Wim van Egmond (1966) studied painting and photography on the Rotterdam artschool in the Netherlands. Since 1990 he works as a free-lance artist specialised in photomicrography and stereoscopy and a combination of both. These photographs were used in books, magazines, art exhibitions, installations and theater plays. [Information of the supplier]
The Bavarian State Collection of Zoology hat inherited to build up the node "Evertebrata II" within GBIF Germany. Tasks and organisation struktur are shown under the marked hyperlinks. Beside the colleagues of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, collaborators from the museums of Berlin, Hamburg, ... [Information of the supplier]
This Web site provides access to site-specific lists of insects that occur at various parks, refuges, and management units within North America. The lists were authored, compiled and contributed to this Web site by various professional and amateur lepidopterists. Each separate list follows the order of ... [Information of the supplier]
The Department of Medical Entomology is the only institution for this aspect of entomology in Australia and as such serves as the de facto National Reference Laboratory for insects and other arthropods of medical and public health importance. The Department based at Westmead Hospital and linked with ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This web page introduce to Tasmanian Myriapoda and Onychophora, which comprise up to 200 species. The contents allow to determine the main groups. Furthermore, relevant literature is summarized. [Information of the supplier, modified]
This web page offers diverse information concerning the biology and ecology of several Arthopoda in the U.S. state Kentucky, including arachnids, myriapods, insects, isopods and slugs. For each of those taxa information about biology, ecology, life cycle, importance, common species and collecting are ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
We are an online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing our observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures. We enjoy the opportunity to instill in others the fascination and appreciation that we share for the intricate lives of these oft-maligned creatures. Our ... [Information of the supplier]
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