The title "Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V. (DDA) stands for the Federation of German Avifaunists. It is an umbrella organisation for all German avifaunists. Our website contains a wealth of information about the DDA and its monitoring programmes. Here you will find advice and information on bird registration and recording projects, some initial results and completed publications, details of competent local contacts or up to date avifaunistic information and schedules. ... [Information of the supplier]
Ornithology is a global discipline addressing all levels of biology from ecosystems to molecules, linking basic and applied research, and nurturing education and outreach. The IOU seeks to support, promote, and advance avian biology by (a) disseminating ornithological knowledge; (b) interacting with other scientific organizations, foundations and institutions; (c) stimulating and strengthening locally-based research that includes the participation of amateur ornithologists; (d) cultivating collegial, collaborative, mentoring and mutually supportive relationships among ornithologists internationally and without restrictions imposed by cultural or political differences; and (e) fostering knowledge transfer between basic research and applied sciences, such as conservation. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Beringungszentrale Hiddensee ist eine der drei Zentralen für die wissenschaftliche Vogelberingung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Sie ist verantwortlich für die Organisation bzw. Koordination der Vogelberingung im östlichen Teil Deutschlands, also in den Bundesländern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen und Thüringen. Die Zentrale ist im Auftrag dieser Länder tätig und wird von ihnen gemeinsam auf der Grundlage eines 1994 abgeschlossenen Verwaltungsabkommens finanziert. ... [Information des Anbieters] liefert Links zu Aufnahmen verschiedener Vogelstimmen aus einer Liste von 10.000 Vögeln. Außerdem bietet diese Website ein Forum mit der Möglichkeit Fragen zu stellen. [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
Database of Migratory Species at Global scale (4344 species, 5500 literature references, Internet-Links, data on distribution and migration behaviour, 1174 GIS-maps, Threat Analysis) - Migratory species are an important dynamic component of biodiversity. The conservation and protection of these species requires international cooperation. However, the level of knowledge we have is not sufficient and information is immensely scattered. Today we can only estimate the number of migratory species within a vast range of 5000 and 10000. GROMS consolidates and summarises all available information and the current states of knowledge into a relational database. It supports a Geographic Information system (GIS) interface and permits various search options for novice users and for experts. The GROMS database is structured to provide an additional tool for fact finding and decision-making by the CMS bodies and related regional Agreements as well as the Convention on Biological Diversity. To this effect, the database is designed to supply information on migratory species, their distribution map, population and bibliography. The current multilingual database contains 4,344 migratory vertebrates species, with their threat and protection status (International Red List), protection status (after CMS and CITES) as well as migration types and more than 5,500 literature citations. ... [Information of the supplier]
The title "Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V. (DDA) stands for the Federation of German Avifaunists. It is an umbrella organisation for all German avifaunists. Our website contains a wealth of information about the DDA and its monitoring programmes. Here you will find advice and information on bird registration and recording projects, some initial results and completed publications, details of competent local contacts or up to date avifaunistic information and schedules. ... [Information of the supplier]
At these pages you can watch the upbringing of young storks in the town of Vetschau (Germany), situated in a region called "Spree forest", this year again, as it was already possible last year. Take a look at the picture archiv with time lapse snapshots from every storck-day in the Lausitz. [Information of the supplier]
The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 154 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1651 wetland sites, totaling 149.7 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. ... [Information of the supplier] stellt ein umfangreiches Online-Angebot und Linkportal zu fast allen Aspekten der Hobby- sowie der wissenschaftlichen Ornithologie dar. Es wird betreut von dem Ornithologen Dr. Roger Lederer, der auf der Website auch einen großen Teil seiner Ornithologie-Vorlesung an der California State University zugänglich macht. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Bird Cinema was founded in May 2007. This is a video website for bird enthusiasts to watch and share original bird videos worldwide through the web. We look forward to seeing your videos on our site. BirdCinema is a clean online environment dedicated to the sharing of birding videos, pictures, and resources. Our goal is to become the catalyst for the dispersion of birding knowledge to professionals and amateurs internationally. Strict compliance to established standards is our policy. ... [Information of the supplier]