The goal of this conference is to bring together wildlife scientists and veterinarians from all over the world interested in diseases of free-ranging and captive animals, and to present the latest advances and stimulate future research in this topic. To this aim, the selected plenary talks and workshops will cover a diverse range of fascinating topics such as infectious diseases, surgery, handling and treatment methods and conservation, among many others. We are expecting a stimulating programme with many interesting scientific presentations supplemented by an entertaining, yet informative, evening programme. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the conference. ... [Information of the supplier]
The theme "Wildlife health and conservation: expectations in a challenging era" sets the focus to the changing environment and the need to promote disease and conservation management in a more effective manner. All classic topics will be included, as well as other newly emerged ones. We aspire to present you a diversified and at the same time a profound program. Our Scientific Committee is trying hard to reach that goal. ... [Information of the supplier]
Tagging of Pacific Predators began in 2000 as one of 17 projects of the Census of Marine Life, an ambitious 10-year, 80-nation endeavor to assess and explain the diversity and abundance of life in the oceans, and where that life has lived, is living, and will live. Several dozen TOPP researchers from eight countries began venturing into offshore waters, remote islands, and along rugged coastlines to attach satellite tags to 22 different species of top predators that roam the Pacific Ocean. As of 2007, they have tagged more than 2,000 animals, including elephant seals, white sharks, leatherback turtles, squid, albatross and sooty shearwaters. ... [Information of the supplier]
Im Tierlexikon für Kinder auf den Seiten von "Oli's Wilde Welt" des SWR (Südwestrundfunk) finden Kinder anschauliche und bebilderte Informationen zu den verschiedensten Tierarten. Das Tierlexikon kann nach Alphabet oder Kategorie durchsucht werden. [Redaktion vifabio]
This site contains basic biological information regarding Trichinella spiralis, and includes research findings on all aspects of the parenteral phase of the infection. Much of the information is based on publications by Dickson Despommier and colleagues over the last 30 years, that mostly dealt with Nurse cell formation and its relationship to angiogenesis and collagen capsule formation. In addition, a brief history of its discovery, clinical aspects, and useful links to other sites dealing with the genus Trichinella are provided. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Die Rubrik des Kinder-Echo beinhaltet alles, was sich Kinder von einer eigenen Zeitung wünschen: Spannende Reportagen aus der Tierwelt und kindgerechte Erklärungen des Alltags. Die Beiträge zeichnen sich vor allem durch eine kindgerechte Aufbereitung aus und sprechen das junge Publikum und deren Eltern gezielt an. Ergänzt wird das redaktionelle Angebot durch Buchtipps, Gewinnspiele und Rätsel. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Find your favourite animals, where and how they live, the latest news about them and who's filming them right now. Marvel at the stealth of a snow leopard, the tenderness of a mother tiger and the awesome spectacle of a golden eagle in flight. Listen to the thrilling sound of lions roaring across the savannah and to birds that mimic machinery. ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to Smithsonian WILD! This site is designed to showcase some of the exciting research conducted by the Smithsonian Institution and its collaborators around the world, and to highlight the incredible diversity of wildlife that exists in a range of habitats across the globe. The use of motion-triggered 'camera traps' has become an incredibly useful tool for scientists to answer an enormous range of conservation and ecological questions. Researchers attach these unique cameras to posts or trees, often along forest trails, and when a camera's sensor registers an animal's body heat and movement, a photograph is taken. The studies highlighted here demonstrate the range of applications of this method, and how these cameras give us a glimpse into an animal world that is rarely seen by anyone. You can search the site by following the trail of interesting animals or the lure of diverse sites around the world. You will notice that the images on this site vary considerably in quality, resolution and color. This is because the researchers involved in these studies have used a range of different camera models. Earlier camera models utilized standard film technology and took single photos when triggered. More recent camera models take digital photos and have the capacity to take many photos at each trigger event. We have included not just the most striking photos from these studies, but all the photographs. We think this will give you a better sense of the diversity of images captured by the cameras. This also allows us to show you 'near-video' sequences, which often display the movements and behavior of the animals. Our hope is that while you are being entertained by the amazing photographs, you will also learn about the animals, their diverse habitats, and what is being done to conserve them. At present we are accepting new photographs and datasets from professional survey efforts. If you have a dataset you think would be appropriate for this site, please contact William McShea. We hope in the future to accept photographs from citizen scientists as well, so keep checking back with the site for relevant updates. ... [Information of the supplier]
The purpose is the creation of a comprehensive computer supported decision/help system for pharmacotherapy and clinical toxicology. At present, CliniPharm/CliniTox has the following components: 1) an animal medicine compendium for Switzerland; 2) specialist information about therapeutic substances; 3) CliniTox, a computer supported decision/help system for the management of cases of poisoning in animals (incl. a poisonous plant database that contains, besides relevant veterinary medical data, botanical information as well as pictures of the individual plants. Because of the multilingual nature of Switzerland the plants can be searched for not only by their scientific names, but also by their common German, French, Italian, and English names.) ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]