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The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) aims to bring together the international community of geneticists. By uniting different groups, GSA hopes to spark new conversations, new collaborations, and new directions for the field. We are excited to announce that TAGC 2020 will take place April 22–26, 2020, in ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Der Lehrer Ulrich Helmich stellt auf seiner Seite Material zum Thema Biologie der Oberstufe bereit. Es geht z. B. um Zellbiologie, Genetik, Neuro- und Evolutionsbiologie. Die Informationen sind gut gegliedert und bebildert, zum Teil sind Unterrichtsmaterialien (beispielsweise Folien) verfügbar. [Redaktion vifabio]
Genetische Variation ist eine lebendige Komponente der Biodiversität, und stellt Ökosystemen, Arten, Populationen und Individuen das Rohmaterial zur Verfügung um sich anzupassen undVeränderungen der Umwelt zu überleben. Zudem ermöglicht sie, wie vor 150 Jahren von Darwin postuliert, die natürliche ... [Information des Anbieters]
Forscher sammeln Daten zur Artenverbreitung, Berichte zu einem Organismus zu einer bestimmten Zeit an einem bestimmten Ort als eine hauptsächliche oder ergänzende Funktion von vielen biologischen Feldstudien. Gegenwärtig sind diese Daten in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Systeme und Formate (einschließlich ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
The annual President's Symposium will be held on August 17-20, 2015 at Island Wood on Bainbridge Island near Seattle, WA. The meeting will bring together people working on both molecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome evolution in order to stimulate exchange of ideas between scientists with ... [Information of the supplier]
This conference presents cutting edge research into the importance of polyploidy in genetics, evolution and ecology. It will be distinctive in its small group dynamics, wonderful location and great speakers. There will be three core sessions over two and a half days; these are: (1) the long-term and (2) ... [Information of the supplier]
Genomic tools are becoming essential in biological investigations that relate to agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and biodiversity science. Moreover, evolutionary concepts and an evolutionary genomics perspective are becoming central to interpret any new finding in these fields and develop forward ... [Information of the supplier]
HBES is a society for all those studying the evolution of human behavior. Scientific perspectives range from evolutionary psychology to evolutionary anthropology and cultural evolution; and the membership includes researchers from a range of disciplines in the social and biological sciences. The 30th ... [Information of the supplier]
The AGA Symposium will be held at Hart House on the University of Toronto campus in Toronto, Canada. [Information of the supplier]
Located in the Caribbean, with a privileged location that has given it the nickname “the key to the Gulf”, the island of Cuba has been a meeting and celebration point for centuries. Cuban botanists are eager to welcome our Latin American brothers and sisters and demonstrate the hospitality of our people, ... [Information des Anbieters]
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