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The German Society of Human Genetics (GfH), founded in 1987, is the primary professional membership organization for human geneticists in Germany. More than 1000 members belong to our Society, as there are researchers, academics, clinicians, laboratory practice professionals, genetic counselors and ... [Information of the supplier]
The 29th Meeting of the German Society for Human Genetics (GfH) will take place in Münster, from March 14-16th in 2018. The conference will be accompanied by a specialised industrial exhibition. Interested companies are requested to contact Conventus. [Information of the supplier, modified]
Wir planen eine Präsenzveranstaltung, sofern im nächsten Jahr jenseits der 3G Regeln, die Auflagen für die Einhaltung des Abstands von 1,50 m fallen. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, werden wir allen Teilnehmern eine virtuelle Veranstaltung anbieten. [Information des Anbieters]
Herzlich Willkommen zur 34. GfH-Jahrestagung vom 15.-17.03.2023 in Kassel. Wir planen unsere Jahrestagung als Präsenzveranstaltung unter der 2G-Regel bzw. den in 2023 geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
The German Society of Neurogenetics was founded in 1994. Its main objective is the enhancement of scientific exchange between all those disciplines that address questions on the genetics of normal and abnormal function of the nervous system. Consequently, its members come from many diverse fields of ... [Information of the supplier]
GOBASE is a taxonomically broad organelle genome database that organizes and integrates diverse data related to mitochondria and chloroplasts. In its next phase, GOBASE will also include information on representative bacteria that are thought to be specifically related to the bacterial ancestors of ... [Information of the supplier]
The Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) system provides a framework for comparative analysis of the genomes sequenced by the Joint Genome Institute. Its goal is to facilitate the visualization and exploration of genomes from a functional and evolutionary perspective. There are two main approaches to using ... [Information of the supplier]
You would like to know where gene technology has possibly been used on plants and foodstuffs? You will find more information in the TransGen database where there are entries for plants, foodstuffs, ingredients, additives, and enzymes. You can access information about the current status of gene technology ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
The Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms provides a simple search tool or an alphabetical list of all included 670 items of the glossary. [Information of the supplier, modified]
An animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity. [Information of the supplier]
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