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This project proposes a multi-year, worldwide project to resolve foundational aspects of taxonomy and conservation for the world’s owls. Work under this project is focused on six tasks: develop scientifically robust inventory techniques for locating owls and their nests; analyze the molecular systematics ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Eagle Conservation Alliance (ECA), a global partnership of experts working to conserve eagles, is the first international organization focused exclusively on eagle conservation. The mission of the ECA is to share and enhance resources and knowledge in order to cooperatively understand and conserve ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded vulture is a national non-governmental organisation, which carries out actions related to research, conservation and public information, aimed at recovering the Bearded Vulture in the Spanish mountains. [Information of the supplier]
The Philippine Eagle Foundation firmly believes that the fate of our vanishing Philippine Eagle, the health of our environment, and the quality of Philippine life are inextricably linked. We are therefore committed to promote the survival of the Philippine Eagle, the biodiversity it represents, and the ... [Information of the supplier]
Since 2000, the Canadian Peregrine Foundation's mandate has been expanded to address the needs of threatened and endangered raptors of all kinds. In 2001 the first efforts were made toward issues of owl conservation. This section of the website will be growing over time as we become more involved with ... [Information of the supplier]
Der Verband wurde 1981 zum Schutz unserer heimischen Eulen gegründet. Er führt mit Unterstützung der schleswig-holsteinischen Landesregierung Artenschutzprogramme für folgende Eulenarten im Lande durch: Raufußkauz (Aegolius funereus), Sperlingskauz (Glaucidium passerinum), Steinkauz (Athene noctua), ... [Information des Anbieters]
Die Projektgruppe Seeadlerschutz ist ein Zusammenschluss von verschiedenen Naturschutzverbänden (WWF, NABU, BUND, OAG), der Landesjägerschaft, dem Waldbesitzerverband, dem Umweltministerium und dem Forstamt Eutin als Seeadlerschutzstation. Gegründet wurde die Projektgruppe Seeadlerschutz bereits 1968 im ... [Information des Anbieters]
For a long time breeding Bearded Vultures in captivity seemed almost impossible. Before the first successful reproductions at the Alpenzoo Innsbruck it was only in the twenties that a pair at Sofia Zoo had successfully raised chicks. One of the main problems was the difficulty in distinguishing male and ... [Information of the supplier]
This private website provides a multiplicity of articles related to raptors (Falconiformes). The main focus is on results reared from research using satellite telemetry. At this technique a transmitter is fitted on the birds. Thus an individual examination of migratory behaviour is possible, for example. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Global Raptor Information Network (“GRIN”) is designed to provide information on diurnal raptors (hawks, eagles, and falcons) and to facilitate communication between raptor researchers and organizations interested in the conservation of these species. This web site provides access to Reference ... [Information of the supplier]
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