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1. biopix
Biopix is a searchable presentation of biological photos, primarily from Scandinavia. [Information of the supplier]
Mitose, Funktionen von Zellorganellen und andere auf Zellebene lokalisierte Vorgänge sind das Thema kurzer Videosequenzen und Animationen, die über diese Website erreichbar sind. [Redaktion vifabio]
Objective: Create a bank of digital images, video, and animations that can be used and adapted for teaching Biology. Copying the material, modifying and adapting it to meet the professor's needs, and subsequent distribution to students is permitted with the condition that this is noncommercial, that the ... [Information of the supplier]
The Museum’s Library and Archives hold the world's premier collections of literature and original drawings and manuscripts relating to natural history. The online catalogue allows you to search by author, title, series, subject term and keywod. It contains all library holdings since 1989 and about 80% of ... [Information of the supplier]
This site is dedicated to the beauty and science of nature and to the joys nature brings to those who explore it. The joy of seeing "familiar faces" everywhere; the invigoration a nature walk brings to both body and soul; the beauty and diversity of our Earthly co-habitants; and the pleasure of eating ... [Information of the supplier]
The 11th Wellcome Image Awards were announced on 23 February 2011, recognising the creators of the most informative, striking and technically excellent images among recent acquisitions to Wellcome Images, as chosen by a panel of judges. [Information of the supplier]
The Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium (CUP) is home to several major photograph collections, together amounting to over 60,000 prints and negatives. A small fraction of our photos have been digitized and can be viewed through this site. Our collections document the last 120 years of plant pathology, ... [Information of the supplier]
Wim van Egmond (1966) started his career as a painter and photographer. In his early works he used photographic manipulations to create images that were abstract and self-reflective, not just depictions of 'reality'. A life long interest in natural history combined with the fact that he grew up a few ... [Information of the supplier]
Wim van Egmond (1966) studied painting and photography on the Rotterdam artschool in the Netherlands. Since 1990 he works as a free-lance artist specialised in photomicrography and stereoscopy and a combination of both. These photographs were used in books, magazines, art exhibitions, installations and theater plays. [Information of the supplier]
There is no human editor behind e! Science News; it is powered by the Eureka! news engine, a fully automated artificial intelligence. Its sole purpose is to ensure that you have access to the very latest and popular science breakthroughs. To achieve this, it constantly surfs the web to gather, regroup, ... [Information of the supplier]
» Subject (BioDDC)
- Miscellany (570.2) (22)
» Resource type
» Spatial coverage
- Brazil (1)
- Scandinavia (1)
» Language
» Format
» Access
- free (22)
» Audience
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