Seit 1984 werden in der Schweiz die Moose im Rahmen des Projektes "Nationales Inventar der Schweizer Moosflora" kartiert. Die schweizerische Vereinigung für Bryologie und Lichenologie (BRYOLICH) übernimmt die Trägerschaft. Eine Kartierkommission berät die Projektleitung in wichtigen Fragen.Das Hauptziel ist ein Atlas mit Rasterkarten auf naturräumlicher Basis von allen sicher unterscheidbaren Moos-Sippen der Schweiz. Das erste Nahziel war eine Rote Liste. Die erste Fassung wurde 1992 publiziert (Urmi et al. 1992), eine vollständig revidierte Fassung folgte 2004 (Schnyder et al. 2004). Einige Verbreitungskarten sind in diversen Publikationen veröffentlicht worden. Daneben wurde ein provisorischer Verbreitungsatlas zuhanden der Kartierer angefertigt, damit Verbreitungslücken und Fehler erkannt werden können. Für seltene Moosarten wurde ein Artenschutzkonzept erarbeitet (Urmi et al. 1996). ... [Information des Anbieters]
Although the test of time has long proved the value of the Moss Flora of North America as a necessary resource in any bryological laboratory, the three volumes are costly, voluminous, and often of two broad a scope for the requirements of local use. In the New England spirit of frugality, this new publication by Mr. Lauren D. Howard provides a regional abstract of Grout's flora with shortened keys and descriptions; an added, extensive glossary; and a most welcome, updated nomenclature. It should prove especially useful in classrooms where its convenient size and price will allow each student, in effect, to own a part of a classic of North American botany. ... [Information of the supplier]
The New York Botanical Garden American Bryophyte Catalog is a project to catalog all the specimens of bryophytes in The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium from the western hemisphere. Phase I resulted in an electronic catalog of approximately 250,000 bryophyte specimens from Canada, Greenland and the United States, which are available for searching from this page. Phase II: Bryophytes of Central America, Mexico and the West Indies, is nearing completion. Phase III will complete the project by cataloging specimens from South America (approximately 140,000). When completed, the American Bryophyte Catalog, which will consist of approximately 500,000 specimen records. This total will represent 75% of the NYBG's holdings of bryophyte specimens. ... [Information of the supplier]
ION is supposed to contain all the animal, plant, and virus names data found within the Thomson BIOSIS literature databases - Zoological RecordTM, BIOSIS Previews® and Biological Abstracts®. Bacteria names will be added soon. [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Index of Mosses database, also known as W³MOST, provides current information on bryophyte names from the TROPICOS MOST database compiled by the The Index of Mosses project at the Missouri Botanical Garden. MOST currently contains information on over 90,000 bryophyte names, a bibliography of 16,000 titles, and almost 37,000 specimen records. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This glossary contains 1181 English terms and their definitions from the original publication of mosses, as well as French, German, and Spanish translations. [On-line version of Glossarium Pollyglottum Bryologiae: A multilingual glossary for bryology; originally published in Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 33, 1990.] ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
BLAM was founded about 40 years ago to facilitate contact between people working in any field of lichenology or bryology in Central Europe. Today, BLAM is a registered association with 320 members, EU-European and abroad, professionals and amateurs. [Information of the supplier]
This site provides computational biology resources that are related to the genome/transcriptome of the model plant Physcomitrella patens. The Physcomitrella genome has been sequenced by whole-genome shotgun at the JGI (why?). The version 1.1 of the assembled and annotated genome has been released to the public in April 2007. The data are available e.g. for BLASTing on this site, the JGI genome browser is available here. ... [Information of the supplier]
For more than ten years I have been working on a book on bryophyte ecology and was joined by Heinjo During, who has been very helpful in critiquing multiple versions of the chapters. But as the book progressed, the field of bryophyte ecology progressed faster. No chapter ever seemed to stay finished, hence the decision to publish online. Furthermore, rather than being a textbook, it is evolving into an encyclopedia that would be at least three volumes, with the first being physiological ecology, but including an introduction to the broad classification of phyla and classes, morphology, structures, and life cycles. Communities, habitats, roles, and uses, among others, are in various stages of completion. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Founded in 1956, the Swiss Association of Bryology and Lichenology (BRYOLICH) is devoted to the study and conservation of bryophytes and lichens and it supports research and education in bryology and lichenology especially in Switzerland. Approximately 250 individuals worldwide, both amateurs and professionals, held membership in the society. Since 1992, BRYOLICH is a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SAS). ... [Information of the supplier]