The digital library of the Royal Botanic Garden (CSIC) was set up because of two factors: an extraordinary wealth of documents and active research. The Royal Botanic Garden, on account of its rich and lengthy history, has a magnificent collection of antequarian botanical books. Apart from the intrinsic value of this historic and scientific heritage, the collection is constantly consulted by researchers investigating the organization and distribution of organisms, or the relationship between scientific names and the organisms they are applied to. Work began on digitalizing the antequarian books in 2003. Web design and development was finished in 2005 ... [Information of the supplier]
During the first thirty years of Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE), the basic technology for the collection of distribution data and publication of distribution maps has remained practically unchanged. Manual map production as such is rather tedious. Furthermore, distribution data available only on printed maps are not suitable for further (computerized) analyses. The construction of the Atlas Florae Europaeae database was started in 1992. The primary goal was to make the distribution data available in digital format, and the additional goal was the computerization of the editorial process of AFE. The printed AFE distribution maps were processed this way: - the maps were scanned at 300 dpi resolution / - locations of the grid cells (4419) were calculated on the scanned bitmap images / - arrays of black pixels were searched from the bitmaps using custom software / - the map originals and and their interpretation were compared using custom software. So far all printed AFE volumes (1 to 12) have been processed this way. ... [Information of the supplier]
Euro+Med PlantBase ("the information resource for euro-mediterranean plant diversity") provides an on-line database and information system for the vascular plants of Europe and the Mediterranean region, against an up-to-date and critically evaluated consensus taxonomic core of the species concerned. After several years of planning, the project is now firmly underway. The first stage of the project (referred to as Phase One) has been financed for three years by the European Union under Framework V. This database is constantly expanded and improved. Already in 2009, EuroMed provides three of the largest families: Compositae (Asteraceae, sunflower family) Poaceae (Gramineae, grass family) Rosaceae (rose family); and the following smaller families: Alismataceae, Aponogetonaceae, Basellaceae, Butomaceae, Cabombaceae, Chenopodiaceae (only tribus Salicornieae), Corylaceae, Elatinaceae, Geraniaceae, Haloragaceae, Hippuridacae, Hydrocharitaceae Juncaginaceae Lemnaceae Lilaeaceae Myricaceae Najadaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Posidoniaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Proteaceae, Ruppiaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Sparganiaceae, Tetragoniaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Zosteraceae, Zygophyllaceae. Common names were not yet available in all languages. By April 2015 Euro+Med Plantbase provided access to 190 plant families, corresponding to ca. 95 % of the European flora of vascular plants. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Index to American Botanical Literature provides bibliographic data both on books and articles in periodicals. "The searchable database includes all those entries published in the Index since 1996, and thus includes botanical literature appearing since late 1995. We have made minimal progress in retrospective cataloging, and will continue to add older literature as time and manpower are available. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Grundlage der Site "Botanik online - die Internetlehre" ist das Lehrbuch "Botanik" von Peter von Sengbusch. Die Online-Variante wurde um zahlreiche Abbildungen und Grafiken erweitert. [Redaktion vifabio]
This web site, presented by the Missouri Botanical Garden Library and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, features 131 volumes from our Rare Book collection. Our goal is to digitize and preserve beautifully illustrated and botanically significant books in our private holdings in order to make them available to an international audience. ... [Information of the supplier]
Dieses botanische Webportal bietet eine umfangreiche Sammlung kommentierter Links zu verschiedenen Aspekten des Pflanzenreichs, u.a. zu Schweizer Wildpflanzen und zu Alpenpflanzen. [Redaktion vifabio]
Aboca Bibliotheca Antiqua allows you to consult online rare and precious ancient volumes containing marvelous plates depicting a wide array of the most utilized herbal medicinals. Our indexes let you list the books by Title, Author or Subject. [Information of the supplier]
The German Botanical Society (DBG: Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft e.V.) represents plant sciences and is the largest society for plant scientists in the German-speaking countries. It advances scientific botany nationally and internationally. Here we'd like to inform you about our objectives, our activities and our sections which advance different fields of plant sciences. We also like to describe the prizes presented by our society. With this internet site we want to network and inform plant scientists. News are posted in the "Actualia". The DBG is one of the oldest botanical societies in the world which still is active. It is a non-profit organisation and is a member of the VBIO (German Life Sciences Association) which formerly was the "Verbund biowissenschaftlicher und biomedizinischer Gesellschaften e.V." (vbbm). ... [Information of the supplier]