The EuMon project attempts to provide a European framework that standardizes, focuses and coordinates existing monitoring programs by comparing and integrating existing methods and monitoring schemes of species and habitats of community interests. The most successful methods in terms of cost effectiveness, regional robustness will be selected and tested for their European wide applicability. EuMon will pay special attention that existing monitoring programs can incorporate these methods and will give recommendations how new and successful monitoring programs can be established.Special consideration for implementing monitoring programs will be paid by studying the social effects of monitoring regimes, because the relationship between amateurs and professionals are meant to be most important for implementing a successful monitoring regime.The establishing of the NATURA 2000 network is one of the main actions on a European level to halt biodiversity loss. Therefore it is a prerequisite to evaluate its ability to maintain biodiversity. Additionally EuMon will develop methods to name the responsibility of EU Member states for the species and habitats of Community interests living under their protection.A comprehensive database on monitoring schemes and recommended methods will be established and made accessible via an Internet portal. ... [Information of the supplier]
Cyberinfrastructure for Phylogenetic Research (CIPRES) project is an open collaboration funded by the National Science Foundation [USA]. The group is led by Tandy Warnow and involves researchers (biologists, computer scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians) at thirteen institutions. The goal of the CIPRES project is to enable large-scale phylogenetic reconstructions on a scale that will enable analyses of huge datasets containing hundreds of thousands of bio molecular sequences. To achieve this goal we have brought together a group of researchers involved in phylogeny estimation, statistics, and computer science to create new solutions for the difficult computational problems that arise in inferring evolutionary relationships. The project has a 5 year development plan (2003-2008) to create a national computational infrastructure for the international systematic's community. The group is committed to providing open-source software. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Created for scientists, by scientists, SciVee moves science beyond the printed word and lecture theater taking advantage of the internet as a communication medium where scientists young and old have a place and a voice. SciVee is operated in partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). Please see our Partners page to learn more about them. SciVee allows scientists to communicate their work as a multimedia presentation incorporated with the content of their published article. Other scientists can freely view uploaded presentations and engage in virtual discussions with the author and other viewers. SciVee also facilitates the creation of communities around specific articles and keywords. Use this medium to meet peers and future collaborators that share your particular research interests. ... [Information of the supplier]
In the framework of an initiative to advance biodiversity research in Germany, we will establish three exemplary large-scale and long-term research sites (funded by the German Research Foundation). They are termed Biodiversity Exploratories, in contrast to mainly descriptive observatories. The exploratories will establish and sustain the scientific infrastructure and develop the intellectual framework needed to address critical questions about changes in biodiversity and to evaluate the impacts of those changes for ecosystem processes. Thus, in the exploratories biodiversity and ecosystem research will be merged at a large scale and with a long-term perspective. In this first phase the exploratories will address the relationship between land-use intensity, biodiversity change, and ecosystem functioning for selected taxa. After establishment, these exploratories will also integrate further contributing projects proposed by the German research community. Thus, the biodiversity exploratories will serve as a stimulating research platform for the whole German biodiversity research community. ... [Information of the supplier]
The project "Life Science Zurich" is a joint initiative of The University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich. This project will combine the resources of the University and the ETH and use their synergies optimally. The goal is to maintain a leading position in many areas of the life sciences. The main existing competences should be expanded, and additional competences should be acquired. Another important goal of Life Science Zurich is to strengthen the communication of Life Sciences activities, both internally and externally. ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to SYNTHESYS: the European Union-funded Integrated Infrastructure Initiative grant. This five year project which began in February 2004, comprises 20 European natural history museums and botanic gardens, aims to create an integrated European infrastructure for researchers in the natural sciences. SYNTHESYS is split into two activities: Access and Networking Activities. ... [Information of the supplier]
The iPlant Collaborative: what potential does it have for advancing plant science? We encourage all creative thinkers in the plant and computing research communities to invest a little time in understanding the iPlant Collaborative and thinking about how it might revolutionize the plant sciences. To jumpstart your thinking process, you might want to consider participating in the iPlant Collaborative's April kickoff conference at Cold Spring Harbor Lab, either in person or via our free, live webcast which will allow for direct participation. Participation in the conference is not necessary for participation in the Collaborative, but may be helpful in understanding how best to participate. International participation is welcome and encouraged. ... [Information of the supplier]
We are a group of individuals, groups and labs from various institutions who are committed to engineering biology in an open and ethical manner. [Information of the supplier]
The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (vTI) is one of four German federal research institutes under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV). The vTI was created on January 1, 2008 from the German Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, the German Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products and part of the German Federal Agricultural Research Centre. The vTI drafts scientific basics as decision-making helps for the policy of the German federal government and thus serves, with its application oriented and practice related research, the development of the society of tomorrow. The vTI pursues interdisciplinary research in the following areas: Economics (micro and macroeconomics of agriculture, forestry, lumber, food and fish production), Technology, Material use of renewable natural resources, Climate, Biodiversity, Organic Farming. The vTI comprises 15 specialty institutes. The headquarters of the vTI are in Braunschweig with facilities in Hamburg, Großhansdorf, Eberswalde, Waldsieversdorf, Rostock, Cuxhaven, Ahrensburg and Trenthorst. ... [Information of the supplier]
Der vorliegende Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, bestehend aus ca. 300 Briefen, die Mehrzahl davon von Humboldts Hand, ist ein wichtiger Mosaikstein zum Bild der Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ehrenberg, in seiner Zeit ein berühmter und gefeierter Mikropaläontologe, war ein geschätzter Kollege Humboldts, nicht nur in seiner Funktion als Sekretar der mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der Königlich-Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, auch als Mikrobiologe, der in damals noch kaum bekannten Bereichen forschte. Mit der vorliegenden elektronischen Edition wurde dem oft geäußerten Wunsch entsprochen, den bedeutenden Briefwechsel Alexander von Humboldts der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Mehrere Bände sind von der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschungsstelle in den vergangenen Jahren im Verlag der Akademie herausgegeben worden. Die Veröffentlichung der Korrespondenz mit dem Berliner Mikrobiologen Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795 – 1876) führt weiter auf dem Forschungsfeld der noch kaum erschlossenen Kontakte Humboldts mit Biologen. ... [Information des Anbieters]