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Die Honigmacher ist ein kostenloser online Schnupperkurs über Honigbienen, Honig und Imkerei. Er beschreibt in lockerer Form Themen wie Honigbienen, Wildbienen, Honig, Pollen und die Arbeit des Imkers. Die Texte sind unterschiedlich detailliert. Einfache Texte führen zu vertiefenden Texten. Viele Texte ... [Sonstige Quelle laut Angabe]
Die Geschichte dieser Seiten begann im August 2002 mit der Idee, eine Seite zu schaffen, die über das bloße Vorstellen von Hunderassen hinausgehen sollte. Ich wollte eine Seite über die Kultur- und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Hundes schaffen: von der frühen Steinzeit bis hin zur Neuesten Zeit. Die ... [Information des Anbieters]
The Centre for Animal Biotechnology (CAB) was established in 1990 as a centre of excellence for large animal research within the School of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne. The major goal of CAB is to promote and conduct high quality research in large animal species that will contribute ... [Information of the supplier]
The detailed private website dedicates itself to honey bees and illustrates all sides of the honey production. Apart from a list of all honey plants and the different kinds of honey the side deals with the biology of the honey bee Apis mellifera. Additionally the beekeeper handicraft is presented and ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
Die private Webseite widmet sich der Arterhaltung der einzigen in Mitteleuropa einheimischen Honigbiene (Apis mellifera mellifera). Die Lebensweise der stark gefährdeten Art wird ebenso vorgestellt wie ihre Haltungs- und Zuchtanforderungen. Zusätzliche Informationen zu Honigbienen-Arten und –Rassen ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
The Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds (German abbreviation: GEH), founded on 5th December 1981, is the only nationwide organisation in Germany, which is dedicated to the conservation of old breeds of domestic animals. To indicate the losing of old breeds, the GEH ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
The association Mellifera e.V. is dedicated to the development and proving sustainable and ecological concepts for beekeeping since 1985. With research programs, seminars, and public education Mellifera e.V. tries to give new impulses on the discussion about practical, political and social aspects of ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
This web site of the association Mellifera e.V. contains an accurate instruction for beginners how to keep bees for private use and gives detailed advices for building and handling of a small bee hive. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The pages of the Central Documentation of Animal Genetic Resources in Germany (TGRDEU) outline the whole range of farm animal breeding in Germany in terms of breeders’ organisations and the farm animals of the species horse, cattle, pig, sheep and goat as well as poultry and rabbit. [Information of the supplier, modified]
On this page you will find photos of several crabs (Brachyura) and other armored animals (land hermit crabs, crayfish, shrimp, mussels, snails, "dragons" and snakes), and especially a lot of information about keeping, sexing and reproduction. The true crabs are sorted by super families, families and ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
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