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This database gives access to the image collection of the DEI. In the first step we open the collection of portraits of entomologists of the world. [Information of the supplier]
The University of Florida Book of Insect Records names insect champions and documents their achievements. Each chapter deals with a different category of record. Those who are interesting in augmenting or improving this collection of insect records are invited to contribute. [Information of the supplier]
Der Verein für Naturwissenschaftliche Heimatforschung zu Hamburg e.V., der seinen Schwerpunkt in der Beobachtung von Insekten hat, betreibt diese Seite als Informationsplattform für Entomologen. Dazu werden durchsuchbare Adressverzeichnisse deutscher Entomologen, eine Auflistung der Webseiten Entomologis... [Redaktion vifabio]
Dieses elektronische Museum bietet zahlreiche Texte und Abbildungen von und über Jean-Henri Fabre - in seiner Heimat ein auch bei Nichtwissenschaftlern bekannter französischer Entomologe. Die Webpräsenz bietet umfassende biografische Informationen und Auszüge aus seinem populären Werk "Souvenirs ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The library of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History has a wealth of 19th to early 20th century entomological literature that is central to the development of entomology as an academic subject. Some of this literature also relates to specimens held in the Entomological Collections of the ... [Information of the supplier]
For the past 20+ years the Center for Systematic Entomology (CSE) has served as a non-profit corporation designed to further systematics in its broadest sense. Publications of the CSE includes a newsletter (discontinued after 2003), the journal Insecta Mundi, devoted exclusively to arthropod systematics, ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
SIRIC was established in 1969 by the Illinois Natural History Survey's Center for Economic Entomology, and the Illinois Agricultural Research Station to compile the world's scientific and research literature of soybean-related arthropods, and to produce an electronic database for this literature. Printed ... [Information of the supplier]
The Dresden Meetings on Insect Phylogeny are dedicated to a broad variety of topics concerning the phylogeny of insects. This includes both the interordinal and intraordinal levels, both morphological and molecular work, and both extant and fossil taxa, as well as occasional methodological contributions. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Dresden Meetings on Insect Phylogeny are dedicated to a broad variety of topics concerning the phylogeny of insects. This includes both the interordinal and intraordinal levels, both morphological and molecular work, and both extant and fossil taxa, as well as occasional methodological contributions. ... [Information of the supplier]
Pollination is an essential ecosystem service, vital to the maintenance both of wild plant communities and agricultural productivity. These pollination services depend on both domesticated and wild pollinator populations, and both may be affected by a range of recent and projected environmental changes, ... [Information of the supplier]
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