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The Hummingbirds Web Site gibt umfassende Auskunft über Kolibris. Neben Informationen zum Verhalten, zu 17 verschiedenen Spezies, zu Nestern und zum Vogelzug werden auch Gedichte, Legenden und Geschichtliches angeboten. [Redaktion vifabio]
The web site of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauersegler e.V. (DGfM; German Association for the Protection of Common Swifts), founded 2000, provides exhaustive information about identification, biology and protection of the Common Swift (Apus apus). The main focus of this site is the public education ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
This private web site is dedicated to the Common Swift (Apus apus). The ability of the Common Swift to mate and sleep in the air shows its amazing adaptation to flight. Only for breeding it has to land. The web site supplies a lot of basic information about biology, phenology and protection of this bird ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI) is a small institute connected to the University of Jos (UNIJOS), Nigeria. The institute aims to educate students in Conservation Biology, and to be a centre of excellence for Ornithology in West Africa. Currently we are giving courses on master’s ... [Information of the supplier]
Our Museum forms a unit together with the Zoological Institute of Greifswald University. Our collections are fundamental to scientific research (research collection) and students´ teaching (demonstration collection). Moreover, part of the demonstration collection is open to the public (exhibition). [Information of the supplier]
Computers can't teach everything in anatomy, but they can teach some things better, either by themselves or through synergy with conventional methods. Try out this award-winning virtual frog- as a case in point. [Information of the supplier]
We are delighted to welcome you to the 13th ERIDOB 2020 conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, August 31st-September 4th, 2020. [Information of the supplier]
We are delighted to welcome you to the 13th ERIDOB 2022 conference in Nicosia - Cyprus, August 29th-September 2nd, 2022. [Information of the supplier]
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- Amphibia (597.8) (1)
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- free (8)
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