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The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) is a new and innovative way of sharing wildlife information in the UK and is building tools to make this information accessible in a digitised and exchangeable form. By providing easy access to the information people need about wildlife, wise and informed decisions ... [Information of the supplier]
Inside the realisation of scientific project Biological Database and GIS (no. 1-08-330), financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity is done. In realisation are involved the biologists from the Division of Biology (Faculty of Science, ... [Information of the supplier]
The Swedish Species Information Centre works with knowledge about biodiversity in Sweden. The main tasks are to collect, evaluate and store the most important information about threatened and rare plant and animal species. A basic part in this work is to assess degrees and types of threat and to prepare ... [Information of the supplier]
Given that Mexico is one of the five megadiverse countries with the highest biological diversity – which means that it is blessed with a very high number of ecosystem types, animal and plant species, and great genetic variation – it is important that such richness is afforded special consideration by ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Informationssystem zur Biodiversität von Wallonien bietet, jeweils unter eigenen Menüpunkten, Daten zu Arten, zu Lebensräumen und zu Einzelgebieten sowie Informationen zu Gesetzgebung und einschlägigen Institutionen und Organisationen. [Redaktion vifabio]
The Atlas of Living Australia is a five-year project funded under the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). Its mission is to develop a biodiversity data management system which will link Australia’s biological knowledge with its scientific and ... [Information of the supplier]
BIOTA AFRICA has been jointly invented by African and German researchers aiming at the establishment of research supporting sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in Africa. While, initially, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was open to fund the initiative, meanwhile ... [Information of the supplier]
Since 2001, the German Ministries for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) have been partnering with GEO Magazine to organize "Biodiversity Days" in Germany and in various developing countries. Local leaders, political decision ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Overview of biodiversity of the Netherlands - The Dutch Species Catalogue provides a current and comprehensive overview of Dutch biodiversity. It is based on the data gathered by experts in various aspects of flora and fauna. Dutch biodiversity is among the best investigated in the world. This research ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Nationale Register des französischen Naturerbes (Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel, INPN) ist ein für die breite Öffentlichkeit bestimmtes Webportal zur Geo- und Biodiversität. Es besteht seit 2002 und wird vom Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) betrieben. INPN speichert und ... [Redaktion vifabio]
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