Vorrangiges Ziel der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Flora Deutschlands ist die Förderung der floristisch-botanischen Erforschung der Gefäßpflanzen Deutschlands. Ein Schwerpunkt soll auf Taxonomie und Systematik liegen, wobei unter anderem eine Wiederbelebung der hierzulande vernachlässigten Teildisziplinen Karyologie und Autökologie wichtig wäre. Nomenklatorische, chorologische und historische Studien sollen ebenfalls unterstützt werden. Ausdrücklich gefördert werden sollen das wissenschaftliche Herbarisieren und die Auswertung öffentlicher Herbarien, deren Existenzberechtigung mancherorts wegen mangelnder Benutzung in Frage gestellt wird. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Willkommen bei SYNTHESYS, einer EU-finanzierten Integrierten Infrastruktur- Initiative. Dieses Fünfjahresprojekt, das im Februar 2004 begann, umfasst 20 Naturgeschichtliche Museen und Botanische Gärten in Europa und strebt die Errichtung einer integrierten europäischen Infrastruktur für die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung ab. SYNTHESYS beinhaltet Aktivitäten in zwei Bereichen: Zugänglichkeit und Netzwerk-Bildung. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Das Projekt Pl@ntNet möchte verschiedene mit der Kenntnis von Pflanzen zusammenhängende Probleme der Agrarwissenschaften und der Ökologie vor allem mit folgenden Mitteln angehen: (1) Fortentwicklung interdisziplinärer Forschung im Grenzbereich von Integrativer Botanik und Informatik, wobei bestehende große Datensammlungen und botanische Expertise genutzt werden sollen; (2) Erstellung von online frei zugänglichen webbasierten Werkzeugen zur Pflanzenbestimmung und zur Aggregation und Auswertung botanischer Daten; sowie (3) Förderung von "citizen science" als aussichtsreiches Mittel zum weiteren inhaltlichen Ausbau von Kenntnissen und Datenbanken. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt und verändert]
Die chinesische Botanik-Community lädt Sie nach Shenzhen ein, im Juli 2017 am XIX Internationalen Botanischen Kongress teilzunehmen. Die Community ist in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stark angewachsen, sowohl was die Anzahl der Mitglieder als auch was das kreative Potenzial und die Bedeutung im Rahmen der biologischen Wissenschaften angeht. Die Weiterentwicklung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit ist eine grundlegende Strategie zum gegenseitigen Nutzen und zur Lösung von Problemen in weltweitem Maßstab. ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
“Botany 2013 – Celebrating Diversity” will be held in New Orleans, LA, July 26 -31, 2013. Societies participating in Botany 2013 will include: the American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS), the American Fern Society (AFS), the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT), the International Association of Plant Taxonomists (IAPT) and the Botanical Society of America (BSA). In preparation for Botany 2013, we are now soliciting proposals for symposia, colloquia, workshops, and discussion sessions. Symposia are organized around a topic of potential broad interest, are timely because of recent advances or synthesis in the field, or are particularly relevant to the conference venue. Colloquia are organized around more specialized topics with all presentations adhering to the standard 15 minute timeframe. The number of presentations in a colloquium is variable (16 maximum). ... [Information of the supplier]
We warmly invite you to be a part of the 24th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), the largest annual international scientific conference devoted to Arabidopsis thaliana – a model plant worked with by an estimated 16,000 labs around the world. Experiments performed in Arabidopsis often underpin plant research in general and Arabidopsis-driven research leads the way with technologies and concepts. The conference will be held in the recently refurbished Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. With its prime Darling Harbour waterfront location and world-class facilities, the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre is adjacent to a wonderful array of restaurants to suit everyone’s budget, and within close walking distance of a variety of hotels, motels and apartments. Sporting and cultural events and shopping opportunities are a major part of life in Sydney and the integrated transport network of trains and buses make it easy and comfortable to get around. Sydney is one of the most dynamic cities of the Asia-Pacific region. It is renowned for scientific research and development and technological progress. Combined, these features will ensure a large and successful meeting. We hope you will take this unique opportunity to enjoy four days of plant science in Sydney and look forward to welcoming you "Down Under". ... [Information of the supplier]
The annual Botany Conference, to be held in Boise, Idaho - July 26 - 30, 2014, is a multiple scientific society conference serving over 6000 plant scientists whose research and practice span the globe. The conference hosts the most diverse group of practicing plant scientists and students in the country. Over 1000 academic and industry participants convene each year to share research and explore topics that focus on highly diverse, recent discoveries in the plant sciences. Keynote speakers, academic and industry researchers present papers, offer workshops and posters on recent developments for a highly broad range of plant science topics. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
We invite you to take part in the work of the Third All-Russia scientific-practical conference "Prospects of Development and Problems of Contemporary Botany", to be held in Novosibirsk November 10-14, 2014. The Conference organizers welcome the participation of foreign scientists. Main topics of the conference: Plant systematics and phylogeny; Geobotany and geobotanical mapping; Mycology, algology, lichenology and bryology; Population biology; Molecular biology, biotechnology and phytochemistry; Conservation of plant biodiversity, rational nature management; Plant introduction. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Botanikertagung is an International Conference on Plant Sciences that will next be held from August 30th to September 3rd, 2015 in the vicinity of Munich. It is organized by both universities of Munich, the Technische Universität München (TUM) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) under the umbrella of the German Botanical Society (DBG) and in collaboration with the Association for Applied Botany (VAB) at the TUM campus in Weihenstephan, Freising, located close to the Munich airport. The Botanikertagung is a biannually held conference that brings together world leading pioneers, experts and early-career scientists from a wide range of disciplines in plant biology. This time, the Botanikertagung 2015 brings together various facets of plant research under the title ‘From Molecules to the Field’. ... [Information of the supplier]
The annual Botany Conference is a multiple scientific society conference serving over 7,000 plant scientists and students whose research and practice span the globe. The conference encompasses the diverse scope of botanical study. Conference topics include: Basic and Applied Research – Climate Change and Conservation - Biochemistry – Biodiversity - Evo-Devo - Genomics , Phylogenetics – And More! Fourteen plant science societies from the United States and Canada will see over 2,300 academic and industry attendees this year sharing research and exploring topics that focus on highly diverse, recent discoveries in the plant sciences. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]