Our vision of the Humboldt Digital Library goes beyond the traditional system. Humboldt's idea of interconnectedness requires a system of flexible navigation from any point in the digital library to any other related point within or outside Humboldt's works. A further innovative feature of this dynamic system is that it can recreate the context of a particular passage and make it possible to view images, interactive maps, and information about plants, animals, and scientific facts relevant to Humboldt's observations. Although the digital library contributes by making rare books accessible, the greatest advantage of the system will be its capacity to connect data from diverse locations in Humboldt's twenty-nine volumes and allow comparison with modern scientific knowledge and developments. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Internetauftritt des Pariser "Museum national d'Histoire naturelle", der Informationen für Wissenschaftler, aber auch allgemeine Informationen für Besucher der Museumseinrichtungen beinhaltet. [Redaktion vifabio]
Ziel des Vereins ist die ideelle Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung auf den Gebieten der Zoologie, Botanik und der Geowissenschaften. Seine Geschichte geht bis in die erste Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts zurück. Die traditionell vom NHV abgedeckten Fächer umfassen systematisch-taxonomische, biogeographische und ökologische Themenfelder, sowohl aus dem terrestrischen als auch aus dem aquatischen Bereich. Weitere traditionsreiche Fächer sind Geologie, Paläontologie, Bodenkunde und verwandte Disziplinen, denen der Verein eine Plattform bietet. Als wichtigster übergreifender Themenbereich ist der Naturschutz zu nennen. Der NHV gibt zwei Zeitschriftenreihen heraus: die jährlich mit einem Band erscheinende Zeitschrift: Decheniana (Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Rheinlande und Westfalens e. V.), sowie die unregelmäßig (nach Bedarf) erscheinenden Decheniana-Beihefte. ... [Information des Anbieters]
In display halls covering 8.700 square metres the visitor can travel through our planet’s history, through the breathtaking diversity of nature and back to the origins of our culture. On the upper ground floor (Hochparterre) can be seen fascinating and valuable precious stones and minerals, rare fossils and gigantic dinosaurs, as well as famous prehistoric works of art. One of the most important is the 25.000 year-old figure of “Venus von Willendorf”, the skeleton of a Diplodocus, the longest terrestrial vertebrate that has ever lived, a giant topaz weighing 117 kg and the valuable bouquet of jewels which Maria Theresia had made as a present for her husband. The first floor presents the overwhelming species variety of the animal world, from protozoa to the most highly developed mammals. Objects of more than 200 years old are of great interest, not only on their own account but also as witnesses of nature and historical records for the history of science and the art of taxidermy. Numerous stuffed animals of species either extinct or extremely endangered make the collections truly irreplaceable. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Senckenberg Museum is one of the largest Natural History Museums in Germany and exhibits the recent biodiversity of life and evolution of organisms as well as the change of planet earth over millions of years. New scientific findings in all areas of biology, paleontology and geology are on display. The Senckenberg Nature Research Society (SNG) is responsible for the Research Institute and the Natural History Museum. ... [Information of the supplier]
Our vision is to "increase all people´s understanding of nature and its diversity". Nature is amazing and rich, but also under threat. We want everyone, young and old, expert and novice, to learn more about nature, view it from a holistic perspective and respect man´s place in it. [Information of the supplier]
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Triple A-S" (AAAS), is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association. In addition to organizing membership activities, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books and reports, and spearheads programs that raise the bar of understanding for science worldwide. ... [Information of the supplier]
CalPhotos is a collection of 400,000+ images of plants, animals, fossils, people, and landscapes. A variety of organizations and individuals have contributed photographs to CalPhotos. The taxonomic and geographic information that accompanies the photos, along with the expert annotation system, result in a uniquely useful database for scientists, students, and other people interested in natural history. In addition to numerous ways to search the photos, common and scientific name browse lists and photo thumbnail browse lists add functionality for people searching for specific photos or taxa via web search engines, and make browsing easy and user-friendly. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Unter www.max-wissen.de finden Lehrer und Schüler eine Vielzahl von Texten, Bildern und Clips, die den Einstieg in Forschungsthemen erleichtern und den Weg für weiterführende Recherchen weisen. Abgedeckt werden dabei die naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer Biologie, Erdkunde, Physik und Chemie. Diese virtuelle Bibliothek soll sich in den kommenden Jahren weiter füllen. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Present, over 20 scientists work in the various research departments of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz. They use the extensive collections of over 6 million animals, plants and geological objects in order to answer questions of systematics, taxonomy, ecology, geology, molecular biology and many other scientific fields. Furthermore, the collections are immensely valuable as an archive for documenting the occurrence of organisms and geological objects as well as their development in space and time. The scientific results are presented and explained to the general public through the exhibitions. In these, visitors to the museum can learn about evolution, about the geological development of Upper Lusatia and the occurrence of rare plants and animals in the region, about the rain forest and savannah as tropical habitats as well as about soil as a living ecosystem. Collection and research take place in 6 departments or sections (general zoology, entomology, soil zoology, botany, geology and molecular biology). Further information can be obtained by a click on the department name in the top line (these pages are partly still in German). ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]