Als Teil der Webpräsenz der Bayerischen Forstverwaltung bietet dieses Angebot Informationen zu einigen aktuellen waldökologischen Themen. Es werden Schadorganismen unter Aspekten des Waldschutzes behandelt; dabei wird jeweils auch ihre Biologie angesprochen. Themen sind beispielweise: Rosskastanienminiermotte (Aesculus hippocastanum, Cameraria ohridella), Eichenprozessionsspinner (Quercus spp., Thaumetopoea processionea), oder Phytophthora-Wurzelhalsfäule der Erle ("Erlensterben", Alnus glutinosa). ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The Euroforest Portal aims to meet demands for better access to state-of-art information on European forests and forestry in an easily accessible and user-friendly form. It represents a web-based entry point into pan-European forest information in the selected topics. The portal contains a metadatabase about information in the internet and news service. Metadata is described in English, but actual URLs may contain information in any language. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Association of Forest Site Ecology and Geobotany (AFSV) has a long tradition and was boosted by the leadership of prominent forest scientists with international reputation. When established in 1928, foremost forest ecologists such as Prof. Dr. Konrad Rubner were founding members of the association. Beyond classification and syntaxonomy of forest types their geobotanical approach placed an emphasis on investigations of ecology and silvicultural application of results. After an interruption during World War II the society was re-founded in 1954. In 1985 our association was accepted as a member organization of the German Union of Forest Research Organizations (DVFFA; national agency of the IUFRO). Since 2006 the AFSV represents an independent research unit (section) within the DVFFA and is thus part of a larger national and international network. ... [Information of the supplier]
Hier können Sie Waldwissen zum Hören herunterladen. Dazu haben wir zwei Podcasts für Sie eingerichtet: Zuerst den Forstcast für Waldfreunde, wenn Sie an neuen Themen aus dem Wald interessiert sind aber sich bisher noch nicht ausführlich damit beschäftigt haben. Daneben haben wir noch unseren Forstcast für Waldexperten. Hier erhalten Sie neues Wissen zum Wald - für Sie hörbar gemacht. Wenn Ihnen unsere Podcasts gefallen, dann abonnieren Sie ihn sich einfach und lassen sich regelmäßig mit Waldwissen beliefern. Wenn Sie mehr zum Wald wissen wollen, dann klicken Sie einfach auf die Links, die wir Ihnen bereitstellen. Darin finden Sie interessantes und nützliches zum Thema Wald und Forst. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Viele Wälder entsprechen heute noch nicht den Grundsätzen der naturnahen Waldwirtschaft. Sie sollen daher nach und nach verändert werden, oder "umgebaut", wie es in der Fachsprache heißt. Der "Waldumbau" ist eines der größten Projekte in der Geschichte der deutschen Forstwirtschaft. Um zu erkunden, wie sich die Wälder im Zuge des Umbaus verändern, welche Probleme und Chancen dabei auftauchen und ob die hoch gesteckten Ziele damit auch erreicht werden können, hat das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ein Großforschungsprojekt gestartet, das unter dem Namen "Zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft" die Strategien und Auswirkungen des Waldumbaus untersucht hat. Die Ergebnisse dieses Forschungsprojektes sind auf dieser Internetseite dargestellt. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Welcome to the International Year of Forests, 2011 (Forests 2011) Web site, a global platform to celebrate people’s action to sustainably manage the world’s forests. The United Nations General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. Here, you will find information regarding events being organised throughout the International Year as well as interactive web tools and resources to promote dialogue on forests. ... [Information of the supplier]
Forestry Guide is an internet based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in Forestry. Resources are described and evaluated with a set of metadata based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element. Each resource is described with a set of metadata based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set in order to make records browsable in the Subject Catalog or the Source Type Catalog as well as searchable with local Search Options. New resources are continuously added to the database, already catalogued ones regularly double-checked and updated. ... [Information of the supplier]
FChange 2014 is a conference of the IUFRO unit 4.02.00 Forest resources inventory and monitoring. Forests still cover 31% (~4 billion hectares) of our planet’s land cover. Hence, major challenges are connected with the management and preservation of forest ecosystems. Mitigation and adaptation strategies towards climate change, food and energy security for a growing population, as well as conservation of ecosystem services, they all potentially change forest area and structure. As an example, forest cover changes already contribute 12-15% of the world’s annual carbon emissions associated with the loss of biodiversity and many environmental services. Still major problems exist in providing accurate estimates of forest cover and quality change. However, this would form an important precondition to implement incentives for developing countries to stop deforestation. Moreover, efforts to mitigate or even stop losing natural forests must be well harmonized with the agricultural sector, because the world is also facing a by 50 to 70% increased food demand in 2050. For the FChange-Conference paper and poster contributions to the provided keynotes are welcome: Terrestrial Survey Methods; Remote Sensing Survey Methods; Ecosystem and Environmental Services Biophysical + Natural Drivers of Forest Change; Anthropogenic Drivers of Forest Change; Management Systems & Concept. ... [Information of the supplier]
The 3rd World Congress on Agroforestry will be held in Delhi, India, 10 – 14 February 2014, co-hosted by the World Agroforestry Centre and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. It will shape the next steps in the field of integrative science, transformative change in landscapes, tree improvement, innovative tree-based value chains, debates on global and local sustainability, reform of land and tree tenure and holistic education. Building on the legacy of the 2nd congress in 2009, the 3rd World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will act as a springboard to accelerate the impacts of agroforestry, build people’s livelihoods, increase the vitality of the landscape and drive the adoption of large-scale innovations. ... [Information of the supplier]
IUFRO prides itself on being one of the world’s oldest international scientific organizations. When IUFRO was established in 1892 by the forestry research institutes of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, these founding members shared the conviction that scientific research needed to be an international activity. Almost 125 years later, we are able to state with pride that this vision of our founding members has not only materialized, but has achieved a level I am sure they would not have dreamed possible. Today IUFRO unites over 15,000 scientists in more than 120 countries from virtually every part of the world. The thematic spectrum of IUFRO’s activities is equally unparalleled and includes more than 250 scientific units. The unique qualities of IUFRO as a networking organization are also well-reflected through the more than 70 IUFRO-sponsored meetings held every year around the globe. Our 125th Anniversary Congress in Freiburg will not only celebrate the accomplishments of the past. It will also establish a dialogue on the future of forestry and forest research. These discussions will focus on globally pressing topics such as how to enhance the contribution forest research will need to make towards mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, providing water, creating income and employment, and improving the quality of life. Issues such as how changes and disruptions in society and technologies are likely to impact on forests and people in the future will also be discussed. ... [Information of the supplier]