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Sort by: provides a database of 3,500+ plant photos (1,950 species, varieties, cultivars). On the search screen, you can insert german or botanical names. [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Die Webpräsenz bietet drei Bereiche: eine virtuelle botanische Wanderung zu Frühblühern im Lippachtal; Anleitungen und Abbildungen zum Thema Herbarium; sowie eine Darstellung zur Orchideenvielfalt am Standort Bergsteig bei Mühlheim an der Donau. [Redaktion vifabio]
Die meisten Pflanzen stammen aus der Umgebung von Kirchheim unter Teck am Rande der Schwäbischen Alb (in dieser Stadt bin ich aufgewachsen) oder der von Dreieich in Hessen, wo ich jetzt wohne. Die wissenschaftliche Nomenklatur richtet sich meist nach der Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
Blumenzucht und Blumenmalerei waren eine zeittypische Liebhaberei barocker Fürsten. Insbesondere die Tulpe, erst um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts in Europa bekannt geworden, erfreute sich wegen ihrer fast unübersehbaren Sortenvielfalt größter Beliebtheit. Für ihre Zwiebeln wurden zeitweise phantastische ... [Information des Anbieters]
Celebrating Wildflowers is dedicated to the enjoyment of the thousands of wildflowers growing on our national forests and grasslands, and to educating the public about the many values of native plants. Celebrating Wildflowers emphasizes: (*) The aesthetic value of plants - a field of wildflowers is a ... [Information of the supplier]
The Wildflower Center is located in Southwest Austin, Texas. The mission of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants and landscapes. The Center’s gardens display the native plants of the Central Texas Hill Country, South and ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
For most people, it is hard work to identify tropical forest plants with a scientific name, especially out in the field, whether on the farm by the road-side or in the forest. There are so many species and, compared to European plants, relatively little is published that can be used to identify them in ... [Information of the supplier]
On this website you'll find: Photo Galleries of israel wildflowers (listed in Alphabetiacal order); A Walk in the Park - A tour through some of Israel nicest parks; Index of Plants by their Scientific, English and Hebrew names; Flowering Times in Israel; Blog - Recently taken pictures; Martha's backyard ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Tasmania is one of Australia's better kept secrets, cradled by the Roaring Forties (winds) and as old as Time. Ancient sedimentary rocks were intruded by dolerite, which was later exposed and sculpted by glacial ice to create a rugged landscape of bare mountains with a characteristic "organ pipe" design. ... [Information of the supplier]
The goal of Flora Singapura is to bridge the gap between the terse technical descriptions of plants found in the various botanical text books and what we observe in the (Singapore) forests. I approach this by using photographs and commentary to illustrate and describe the identifying field characters of ... [Information of the supplier]
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