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Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) sind an Pflanzen saugende Insekten und zählen als solche zu den Schnabelkerfen (Hemiptera). Sie sind vor allem gekennzeichnet durch ihre dachförmige Flügelhaltung, den an der Unterkante des Kopfes entspringenden Saugrüssel und die aus zwei Basalgliedern und einer fadenförmigen ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
This world list includes about 7400 species-group and 1200 genus-group names, together with their authors and dates of publication; among these are many names placed into synonymy. Included with each generic name is the type-species, and for each species the original genus is given as well as the ... [Information of the supplier]
The Psocodea Species File is a taxonomic database that includes data for Psocoptera (bark lice) and Phthiraptera (parasitic lice). It uses the Species File Software (SFS), a collection of programs that provides access to and manipulation of taxonomic information stored in multiple databases. SFS also ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Das Projekt HyperTaxon soll die neuartigen Möglichkeiten vergleichender Bildbearbeitung, die vom Hyperimage erarbeitet werden, für die systematisch-zoologische Forschung erschließen, da sie sehr viel mit schwer zu verbalisierender visueller Information arbeitet. Von den zahlreichen Anwendungsideen, die ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
The Aphid Species File (ASF) is a taxonomic and bibliographic database of the world's Aphids (plant lice) and allied groups. It uses Species File Software (SFS), a collection of programs that provides access to and manipulation of taxonomic information stored in multiple databases. SFS also defines a ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Coreoidea Species File website and database will contain taxonomic and other information about all the Coreoidea (leaf-legged bugs of the world). The database is undergoing development with a planned completion date of 2011. It uses Species File Software (SFS), a collection of programs that provides ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This website is a forum for lice researchers (phthirapterists). It provides a bibliography about lice (August 2010: 9773 papers), information about the International Society of Phthirapterists (ISoP) and lists of important lice collections and lice researchers. The ISoP comprises approximately 100 ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus) during the early part of the 21st Century have undergone a massive resurgence in Australia and there has been a notable lack of quality information available on this re-emerging public health pest. Thus this web site is dedicated to pest management of Bed ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Heteroptera, or True Bugs, comprise nearly 40,000 species in 86 families and therefore built one of the largest groups of hemimetabolous insects. They show a high degree morphological and biological diversity, but attract only a minor interest by a few scientist. True Bugs inhabit a wide range of ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Diese Webseite liefert Informationen zur Zikadenforschung an der Universität Oldenburg. Neben verschiedenen Angaben zur Biologie und Ökologie der Zikaden, werden Projekte vorgestellt. Teilweise stehen im Bereich Projekte, Dateien zum Download zur Verfügung. [Redaktion vifabio]
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