The EUropean ROe DEER Information System (EURODEER) is an open project to support a collaborative process of data sharing to produce better science. It is based on a spatial database that store shared movement data on roe deer to investigate variation in roe deer behavioural ecology along environmental gradients or population responses to specific conditions, such as habitat changes, impact of human activities, different hunting regimes. EURODEER group is trying to fully explore the opportunities given by the new monitoring technologies for conservation and management at both local and global scale. The spatial database, built upon open source software (PostgreSQL + PostGIS) and hosted at Edmund Mach Foundation, can be connected to a large set of client applications (GIS, web interfaces, statistics) to help storing, managing, accessing and analysing GPS data from several research groups throughout Europe. At present 19 research groups join EURODEER. The database is static and temporary, but the perspective is to turn it into a permanently structured and dynamically updatable data repository of a long term project. ... [Information of the supplier]
Movebank is funded by the public (NSF/USA, Max Planck/Germany) as a free-for-all global museum for animal movement data, which are a legacy of humankind. a) Movebank acquires new data in real-time by linking data streams coming from satellites, cellphone networks, or other local area networks. b) Existing (legacy) animal data are uploaded to the centralized Movebank database. c) Users who prefer to host their own data can link to Movebank resources through a distributed system. d) Users interact with data through a customizable 'cyberdashboard' with online calculators for spatial analyses, animal density estimation and other statistical tools. Animal-trackers and camera-trappers have exclusive access to their data and the option to make them "open access" to share with professionals and students, with appropriate credit. Scientists will be able to interact with their data in realtime, and make instant comparisons with legacy data from other studies. Theoreticians can mine animal movement and distribution data to test ideas related to ecological patterns, evolutionary processes, and disease spread. Conservation managers can use Movebank to show population changes over time and space. Educators will find a wealth of examples to illustrate biological principals and let students ask and answer their own questions about wild animals. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (POST) Project is a tool for tracking the movements of marine animals along the west coast of North America, using acoustic transmitters implanted in a variety of species, and a series of receivers running in lines across the continental shelf. POST was one of seventeen projects of the Census of Marine Life, a 10-year international effort to assess the global distribution, diversity and abundance of life in the oceans - past, present and future. The Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (POST) Project's mission is to further understanding of the behaviour of marine animals through the operation of a large-scale ocean telemetry and data management system. POST serves as an accessible research tool for academe, resource agencies and the public. Long-term monitoring of marine animals will contribute to the conservation and stewardship of marine resources. ... [Information of the supplier]
This page lists software which is used in collection management. It is an uncritical listing, the software has not been tested or approved by the subgroup in any way. The selection is based on the following criteria: (*) The software helps to manage specimens or observations of biological objects ("units"). Taxonomic tools helping to generate checklists etc. are not included if they do not include unit management functions. (*) The software must be functional and in use by at least one collection (however, some beta versions have been included). (*) The software must be freely available (for free or as a commercial product). (*) It should not need re-programming to be adapted by the new user. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Department of Human Evolution was founded in 2004 as part of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA). The MPI-EVA is multidisciplinary facility, whose aim is to investigate human biological and cultural evolution, through the perspectives of five departments and several junior scientist groups. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde (GV-SOLAS) ist ein eingetragener Verein mit dem Ziel, die Wissenschaft auf dem Gebiet der Versuchstierkunde zu fördern. Die Versuchstierkunde ist eine Basiswissenschaft der biologisch-medizinischen Forschung. Die Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde versteht sich als Gesprächspartner für den Gesetzgeber und die Öffentlichkeit, wenn Fachwissen über Versuchstiere und deren Tierschutz gefordert ist. ... [Information des Anbieters]
NORINA is an English-language database containing information on over 3,800 audiovisual aids that may be used as alternatives or supplements to the use of animals in teaching and training, including dissection alternatives, at all levels from junior school to University. The information in the database has been collected from 1991 until the present. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Projekt HyperTaxon soll die neuartigen Möglichkeiten vergleichender Bildbearbeitung, die vom Hyperimage erarbeitet werden, für die systematisch-zoologische Forschung erschließen, da sie sehr viel mit schwer zu verbalisierender visueller Information arbeitet. Von den zahlreichen Anwendungsideen, die zum Teil noch erst verwirklicht werden sollen, ist das HyperTaxon (Das Mooswanzen-Projekt) bis jetzt am weitesten fortgeschritten. Das Projekt widmet sich der Systematisierung und innovativer Darstellung von Informationen über die Peloridiidae, eine enigmatische Insektengruppe (aus der Untergruppe Hemiptera, zu der Zikaden, Blattläuse und Wanzen gehören, u. a. ökonomisch sehr wichtige Arten). Diese Gruppe ist relativ klein (nur 25 beschrieben Arten), aber von einer wichtigen Position im System der Hemiptera; ihre Vertreter sind von geringer Körpergröße (meist 2-3 mm) und leben kryptisch im Moos, was z. T. die Tatsache erklärt, warum sie so schlecht erforscht sind. Das Projekt verfolgt 2 wichtigste Ziele. Erstens, soll er die meiste existierende Information über die Gruppe zusammenfassen, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf nicht-verbaler - graphischer und akustischer - Information. Zweitens, stellen die Hyperimage-Tools dem Nutzer viele Möglichkeiten in der Arbeit mit den Daten zur Verfügung; er kann sie nicht nur passiv zur Kenntnis nehmen, er kann sie auch nach verschiedenen Kriterien miteinander vergleichen und kombinieren und dabei evtl. neue Gesetzmäßigkeiten aufdecken. Somit wird Hyperimage zu einem neuartigen Werkzeug der biologischen Systematik, der diese Wissenschaft im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes interaktiv machen könnte. ... [Information des Anbieters, verändert]
This private website lists all European bird research projects with colour-rings (August 2010: 1996 colour-ring projects on 355 bird species). Colour-ringing of birds has a huge advantage against classic ringing with just one metal ring. You can read the colour-rings in field with binoculars, thus you can obtain much data without disturbing or harming the bird. On this website you can find all European colour-ring projects and their coordinators. Observers of colour-ringed birds can contact the coordinators and get information about the origin of these birds. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]