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Diese Webpräsenz dient der Dokumentation von Primärdaten zu Pflanzen und Pilzen der Hengduan Mountains und benachbarter Gegenden des südlichen Zentral-China, einschließlich der Gaoligong Mountains und des Tibetischen Himalaya. Die Gebirge des südlichen Zentral-China mit ihren spektakulären und hochgradig ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt]
Algen sind Organismen, die Photosynthese betreiben und in fast allen Habitaten vorkommen. Sie variieren von kleinen, einzelligen Erscheinungsformen bis hin zu komplexen, mehrzelligen Organismen- wie z.B. der Riesenseetang, welcher bis zu 65 Meter lang wird. Die US Algal Collection umfasst beinahe 300.000 ... [Information des Anbieters, übersetzt und verändert]
An annual meeting hosted by a member institution is held each spring. Here members have a chance to meet one another to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern, and have a unique opportunity to get an insider's view of the host institution. The yearly meetings have included lectures on the care ... [Information of the supplier]
The RBGE Library and Archive welcomes you to Edinburgh for the 22nd Annual EBHL meeting and the 20th Linnaeus Link Partners Meeting from Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th April 2016. [Information of the supplier]
The 24th Annual Meeting of the European Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Group (EBHL) will be held in Geneva (Switzerland) from Wednesday 28th June (evening) to Friday 30th June 2017. This Meeting will be followed by the 21st Linnaeus Link Partners Meeting on Saturday 1st July 2017. Attendees of ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
2018 marks the 50th anniversary of CBHL, the 25th anniversary of EBHL and the 22rd annual meeting of the Linnaeus Link Partners. A joint meeting of these 3 organizations is being held to celebrate and share our mutual interests and intellectual capital. Botanical and Horticultural Libraries in the Modern ... [Information of the supplier]
The 27th European Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Group Meeting and the 25th Linnaeus Link Partners' Meeting to be held in Meise Botanic Garden on 19–21 October 2022.
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