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As President of the International Union of Photobiology, IUPB, as Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee and as Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, we invite you to join us during the 16th International Congress on Photobiology to be held in the City of Córdoba in Argentina in September (8th to ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Biologicum Almtal ist eine jährliche Veranstaltung für die populäre Vermittlung biologischer Wissenschaft und ihrer internationalen Spitzenforschung. Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Biologicum Almtal ist der Verhaltensbiologe Prof. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal. Es befasst sich als transdisziplinäres wissenschaft... [Information des Anbieters]
I am pleased to announce the call for scientific abstracts for CECE 2016, the 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, to take place on August 21-25, 2016. The meeting will be held in the historic city of Leuven, Belgium, close to Brussels and easily reachable by air, car, or public ... [Information of the supplier]
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP), the Executive Board of the International Union of Photobiology (IUPB), and the Congress Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to attend the World Congress on Light and Life (17th Congress of the International ... [Information of the supplier]
The word bionics is made up of the terms biology and technics, which means engineering in this context. The approach of combining biology and engineering is often also called biomimetics in English. As a scientific discipline, bionics aims at analyzing biological systems and transferring the underlying ... [Information of the supplier]
The competence network 'Plants as Concept Generators for Biomimetical Materials and Technologies' („Pflanzen als Ideengeber für Entwicklung biomimetischer Materialien und Technologien") at the University of Freiburg offers an interface between academic research and industrial applications. It was founded ... [Information of the supplier]
The aim of this project is to develop a better understanding of the structure and homeostatic function of termite mounds, with a view to identifying any lessons which can be learned, and ultimately applied, in human construction and habitation. This, in turn, will lead to a clearer definition of future ... [Information of the supplier]
Die 1990 von Prof. Dr. Nachtigall gegründete Gesellschaft setzt sich dafür ein, Inhalte und Arbeitsweisen der Bionik einer breiten Öffentlichkeit nahe zu bringen. Sie veranstaltet im Jahresrhythmus abwechselnd Bionik-Kongresse und Workshops und informiert regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten auf den Gebieten der ... [Information des Anbieters]
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik e.V. verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar den Zweck, Wissenschaft und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Biophysik zu fördern und zu verbreiten, deren Belange wahrzunehmen und die Wissenschaftler und andere Personen, die auf biophysikalischem Forschungsgebiet tätig ... [Information des Anbieters]
eQuilibrator is a simple web interface designed to enable easy thermodynamic analysis of biochemical systems. eQuilibrator enables free-text search for biochemical compounds and reactions and provides thermodynamic estimates for both in a variety of conditions. Estimation of thermodynamic parameters (ΔrG ... [Information of the supplier]
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