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The InsideWood project integrates wood anatomical information from the literature and original observations into an internet-accessible database useful for research and teaching. The InsideWood database contains brief descriptions of woody dicots (hardwoods) from more than 200 plant families, and is ... [Information of the supplier]
The Bibliography on Wood Science allows searching for literature about various aspects of wood, especially about anatomy and physiology. The database contains data on publications from 1947 onwards. The results output shows author, title, source, year, and, where available, DOI (linked to publishers). [Editorial staff vifabio]
Bei der etwa 200 Jahre alten Hohenheimer Holzbibliothek handelt es sich um eine der größten Xylotheken Deutschlands. Eine Xylothek ist eine Zusammenstellung von ganz besonderen Beschreibungen verschiedenster Holzarten in Form von kunstvoll gefertigten Präparaten, die für jede Art in einem besonderen ... [Information des Anbieters]
Virginia Tech's Tree Fact Sheets provide concise information on approximately 800 tree species of North America. Fact sheets (with morphological descriptions and photographs) are printable on one sheet of paper. [Editorial staff vifabio]
This website provides information on the German "Tree of the Year", including biology, distribution, ecology, and uses. The elected species of past years are presented, as well. [Editorial staff vifabio]
This site offers a simple method of identifying woody plants from their leaves. It is intended for laypeople and those learning biology in primary and secondary schools. The collection is being constantly expanded. All pictures are from the author. Unless otherwise stated, the size on a 17" monitor is ... [Information of the supplier, translated]
Dendrome is a collection of forest tree genome databases and other forest genetic information resources for the international forest genetics community. Dendrome is part of a larger collaborative effort to construct genome databases for major crop and forest species. [Information of the supplier]
The University of Connecticut has developed this site dedicated to the ornamental attributes, appropriate use and identification of landscape plants. This site is geared toward the teaching of landscape plants and contains valuable information for students, homeowners and plant professionals. At the core ... [Information of the supplier]
The Wollemi Pine is one of the world's oldest and rarest tree species belonging to a 200 million year old plant family. It was known from fossil records and was presumed extinct until it was discovered in 1994 in the Wollemi National Park just outside Australia's largest city, Sydney. The mission of ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to the digital flora of Panama. You may access the species list of common trees, shrubs and palms by species name, family, or by their common names in Panama. For each species, we have included a botanical description, photos, scans, drawings, and a distribution map which shows its presence or ... [Information of the supplier]
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