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Our aims are the conservation of the highly endangered Bald ibises in the wild and the reintroduction of Zoo offspring in parts of there historicaldistribution.In the course of the human-led migrations pilots lead juvenile hand-raisedbirds across Europe. [Information of the supplier]
This web site is dedicated to the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus (ruber) roseus). It is a collaborative platform for information exchange and transfer about the flamingo population of the Mediterranean and West Africa. Flamingos live in wetlands that are threatened by industrial, agricultural and ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The crane database contains worldwide observational data for numerous crane species (family Gruidae; emphasis on Europe). Targeted access to data for particular periods or areas is possible in the search mask. [Editorial staff vifabio]
At these pages you can watch the upbringing of young storks in the town of Vetschau (Germany), situated in a region called "Spree forest", this year again, as it was already possible last year. Take a look at the picture archiv with time lapse snapshots from every storck-day in the Lausitz. [Information of the supplier]
Die Großtrappe (Otis tarda) zählt zu den schwersten flugfähigen Vogelarten der Welt. Sie ist eine in Österreich vorkommende weltweit gefährdete Vogelart. Der weltweite Gesamtbestand umfasst ca. 40.000 Individuen, wovon ca. 2.400 in Mitteleuropa vorkommen. Um der weltweit gefährdeten Großtrappe in ... [Information des Anbieters]
The Andean Condor, the biggest flying bird of the world, has been worshipped during thousand years by the Southamerican native communities, considered as the very Spirit of the Andean, a sacred link between men and God. Although it was an abundant species in the past time, this emblematic animal, ... [Information of the supplier]
Seit den 1970er Jahren betrieben NABU und WWF - Deutschland jeweils eigene Kranichschutz-Projekte in Niedersachsen, Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein. In der ehemaligen DDR kümmerten sich die Mitglieder des „Arbeitskreises zum Schutz vom Aussterben bedrohter Tierarten in der DDR“ jahrzehntelang um eine ... [Information des Anbieters]
This web site is dedicated to the European Gulls (Laridae). Nine species are presented with their different plumages and moulting conditions. Additionally a lot of articles about Gulls are downloadable. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Increasing activities of Russia in the Arctic Council and Convention on Biological Diversity imply for the revision of the flyway approach in the studies of migratory species and intensification of these studies. The Yamal Peninsula is the home for scores of thousands of ducks, geese, and swans of many ... [Information of the supplier]
Ziel des Vereins ist die ideelle Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung auf den Gebieten der Zoologie, Botanik und der Geowissenschaften. Seine Geschichte geht bis in die erste Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts zurück. Die traditionell vom NHV abgedeckten Fächer umfassen systematisch-taxonomische, ... [Information des Anbieters]
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