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Internet Guide

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The primary and selected secondary literature pertaining to the insect superorder Neuropterida (orders Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Glosselytrodea) are catalogued. Strong emphasis is placed on documenting the peer-reviewed scientific literature relevant to the group; informal, popular, ... [Information of the supplier]
Although these literature searches were originally conceived as providing working documents for our own researches, it soon became apparent that this comprehensive catalogue of literature and illustrations should be made generally available rapidly and freely as a working tool for all those interested in ... [Information of the supplier]
This website contains illustrated dichotomous and synoptic identification keys to the twenty caddis fly families occurring in the Fennoscandian region. Clicking on a coloured family name will provide a link to a systematic list of the taxa included in that family, in which each species name is linked to ... [Information of the supplier]
This is the official web site of the International Association for Neuropterology (IAN). is a portal, linking and supporting the study of insects in the Neuropterida group (i.e. Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera). The bulk of research in this group is carried out on Neuroptera. [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Lacewing Digital Library (LDL) is a web portal designed to provide convenient access to a wealth of digital information pertaining to the lacewings, antlions, fishflies, snakeflies and related insects of the superorder Neuropterida (orders Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera). The LDL portal ... [Information of the supplier]
The Blattodea Culture Group (BCG) is a non-profit-making society with worldwide membership, which was formed in 1986 with the aim of encouraging the study of cockroaches (order Blattodea). Its full colour journal, Cockroach Studies, is printed twice yearly and publishes contributions ranging from ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Diese Seite über die Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) in Rheinland-Pfalz ist sowohl als Informationsquelle für den Laien wie auch als Nachschlagewerk für den ambitionierten Wissenschaftler gedacht. Neben allgemeinen Informationen über diese Ordnung finden Sie systematische Listen, Hinweise zum Fang, zur ... [Information des Anbieters]
This web page contains comprehensive data on the distribution and status of certain Finnish insects. Beside Hemiptera, the group deals with the insect orders Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Neuroptera s.l. & Mecoptera, Psocoptera and Thysanoptera. Table for each taxa exist, which display status and number of ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
Trichoptera comprise 13.574 species worldwide. This web page provides a data base for the world taxa, which comprise all zoogeographical regions und based on an international cooperation. [Editorial staff vifabio]
Trichoptera Literature Database (TLD) is a collaborative effort to provide online access to a bibliography of world Trichoptera literature, including access to PDF files of historically important, rare, or out-of-print older works as well as more current literature for caddisflies. In addition to a list ... [Information of the supplier]
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