The Census of Marine Life is a growing global network of researchers in more than 70 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in the oceans -- past, present, and future. This site is a portal for the Census of Marine Life. The site is designed to provide quick and easy access to all elements of the Census and basic information about each element for the interested public. It is also a central location for news and information about the Census. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Foresight EuroMarine workshop PlankDiv aims at gathering expertise in species distribution and ecological niche modelling, plankton biogeography, functional traits, and plankton phylogeny to quantitatively assess the impact of climate and climate change on plankton community structure and functioning. The main objective of the workshop is to structure a EuroMarine consortium gathering specialists in the study of potential impacts of climate change on plankton diversity and biogeography and specialists in marine ecosystem functioning, and to develop a joint proposal on future collaborative work. We will bring together specialists on European shelf seas, the North Atlantic and the global ocean to create synergies based on work at regional to global scale. The joint analysis of different ocean basins and shelf seas will allow for comparative work among different marine ecosystems (Mediterranean, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean), with a particular focus on: 1) the comparison of the drivers of plankton and trait biogeography, 2) differences in plankton ecological niches, 3) potential links between ecosystem composition and ecosystem functioning, and 4) the vulnerability of marine planktonic ecosystems to climate change. The use of ecological niche models (ENM) for the investigation of the link between plankton ecosystem components, ecosystem function and ecosystem service provision will be stressed out. One working group will be dedicated to the use of ENM for the description of present and future plankton biogeography and diversity. A second working group will study the functional and phylogenetic diversity of plankton communities, and consequences for marine ecosystem function and service provision. PlankDiv will also promote networking among early career researchers currently working on a diverse set of projects related to the impact of climate change on the structure and functioning of marine plankton ecosystems. ... [Information of the supplier]
Welcome to WhaleNet's interactive educational web site which focuses on whales and marine research. WhaleNet is sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts with initial support from the National Science Foundation [Information of the supplier]
Polar and Marine research are central themes of Global system and Environmental Science. The Alfred Wegener Institute conducts research in the Arctic, the Antarctic and at temperate latitudes. It coordinates Polar research in Germany and provides both the necessary equipment and the essential logistic back up for polar expeditions. Recent additional research themes include North Sea Research, contributions to Marine Biological Monitoring, Marine Pollution Research, Investigation of naturally occuring marine substances and technical marine developments. ... [Information of the supplier]
Turtle Trax was conceived with these purposes in mind: to provide a Web site that gave people a chance to become familiar with the wonder and beauty of the marine turtle; to make people aware of the reasons why all species of marine turtles are either threatened or endangered; to highlight a particularly gruesome threat to the green sea turtle, the fibropapilloma tumor, to tell the story of one particular group of Hawaiian green sea turtles, the Honokowai group of Maui. ... [Information of the supplier]
Tropical coastal ecosystems, like mangroves, coral reefs or seagrass meadows, belong to the most productive ecosystems of our earth. The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology aims at developi ng the scientific basis for their sustainable use. Research and teaching address issues related to these ecosystems, their resources and their vulnerability to human interventions and natural changes. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die DGM bietet einen organisatorischen Rahmen für Informations- und Meinungsaustausch zu meereskundlichen Themen. Die DGM gibt vierteljährlich ein Mitteilungsblatt heraus, das Beiträge und Informationen aus allen Bereichen der Meeresforschung enthält. Darüberhinaus soll das Mitteilungsblatt als Diskussionsforum dienen. [Information des Anbieters]
The Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde (abbreviated IOW for Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemuende) is a non-university research institute, dedicated to interdisciplinary marine research in coastal and marginal seas with a special emphasis on the Baltic Sea ecosystem.IOW is a member of the Science Association Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL). Its basic funding is jointly covered by the federal government and the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. ... [Information of the supplier]
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) is an International Cooperative Information System which comprises an abstracting and indexing service covering the world's literature on the science, technology, management, and conservation of marine, brackish water, and freshwater resources and environments, including their socio-economic and legal aspects. The ASFA bibliographic database is the principal output of the system and it contains over 900,000 references, with coverage since 1971. About 3,500 new bibliographic references are added each month to the database. ..... ... [Information of the supplier]