DUCKDATA provides a comprehensive bibliography of published literature on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats. The primary objective of DUCKDATA is to provide access to the extensive literature concerning North American waterfowl, including references emphasizing wetlands but having implications for waterfowl ecology, conservation, and management. DUCKDATA also includes selected authoritative references on wetland ecosystems to provide users with a convenient starting point for accessing this literature. References to literature published on other continents or concerning species and habitats not found in North America were included whenever possible but were not actively sought and were limited to sources published in English; hence, their coverage is less exhaustive. In selecting literature for inclusion, primary emphasis was placed on widely distributed scientific journals, books, graduate theses, and natural resource agency publications. Graduate theses were included regardless of whether the author had published results elsewhere. Inclusion of literature from less accessible sources (e.g., progress or administrative reports), popular literature, and state ornithological journals was based on perceived merit of the source in providing original data or insight into the ecology of waterfowl or wetland habitats. ... [Information of the supplier]
Diese mit viel Aufmerksamkeit und Liebe zum Detail gestaltete private Homepage zum Thema Pinguine beschäftigt sich eingehend mit allen Aspekten der Tauch - und Schwimmkünstler: Anatomie, Physiologie und Bionikprinzipien der Pinguine werden ausführlich dargestellt, ebenso wie Naturschutzaspekte und gefährdete Pinguinarten. Zudem gibt es ein Artenlexikon mit Beschreibungen und Bildern der häufigsten Pinguinspezies. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Diese private Webseite behandelt ausführlich alles, was man (vielleicht) schon immer über Pinguine wissen wollte. Neben einer umfangreichen Artenliste mit Beschreibung und Bildergalerie gibt es auch Verweise auf in - und ausländische Zoos oder Tiergärten, wo Pinguine zu sehen sind. [Redaktion vifabio]
Antarktis Online ist eine private Homepage, die u.a. umfangreiche Informationen zur Fauna und Flora sowie zum Gesamt-Ökosystem der Antarktis bereithält. Zielgruppe sind laut Autor Personen mit Interesse an Geographie (Erdkunde), Tierwelt, Naturschutz, Stationen und Logistik etc. in der Antarktis sowie Polarphilatelisten - für letztere dürften die dargestellten, großformatigen Briefmarkenmotive der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt interessant sein. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
The nature reserve Insel Langenwerder is located at the Northeast of Poel Island at Wismar Bay (Western Baltic Sea). Already in 1910 the local government prohibited trespassing during breeding season after advocacy by the Verein Jordsand. Therefore Langenwerder is the oldest birds-sanctuary in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Since 1997 the sanctuary is looked after by the Verein Langenwerder zum Schutz der Wat- und Wasservögel. ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
The nature reserve Insel Walfisch belongs to the hanseatic city Wismar and is located in the inner Wismar Bay (Western Baltic Sea). Since 2007 the sanctuary is looked after by the Verein Langenwerder zum Schutz der Wat- und Wasservögel. Its aim is to conserve a breeding place for endangered seabirds. The web site provides information about the work of the association on the island, the numbers of breeding birds and about the history of the island as fort during Thirty Years' War. ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
This private web site deals with research on migration, behaviour and ecology of White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons), Greylag Geese (Anser anser), and Bean Geese (Anser fabalis). For individual identification of the geese, they were marked with coloured neck collars or satellite transmitter. On each transmittered goose are short information and a map with its pathways available. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The 2nd World Seabird Conference (2ndWSC) will build on the progress and success of the 1st World Seabird Conference and will once again place seabirds on the global stage. Our goal is to provide a venue for seabird scientists from across the globe to gather with their colleagues and discuss research, conservation, and innovative technology as they relate to the study of seabirds and their marine environment. The Conference will focus on the biology, ecology, and conservation of these globally relevant species at a time when marine ecosystems and the species that inhabit them are increasingly used as indicators of ecosystem health. 2ndWSC will be structured around a series of symposia, contributed sessions, and database workshops and will provide participants with abundant opportunities to network with colleagues from across the globe. ... [Information of the supplier]
Increasing activities of Russia in the Arctic Council and Convention on Biological Diversity imply for the revision of the flyway approach in the studies of migratory species and intensification of these studies. The Yamal Peninsula is the home for scores of thousands of ducks, geese, and swans of many species, whose migration routes stretch to different continents. In accordance to international conventions, many countries must share the responsibility for their well-being. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Area) is a key territory for millions of waterbirds nesting in the Arctic. Conservation of the rare species and sustainable management and use of game waterfowl are the problems of highest international priority. We witness now some negative tendencies which may result in population decline of a number of rare and game waterfowl species. The problems require urgent solving, and the methods of resource management are being constantly improved and should be based on up-to-date, scientifically grounded, and innovative approaches. The results of studies recently carried out in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as the measures aimed at implementation of diverse flyway-based conservation plans were highly appraised in Russia and abroad. Widely acknowledged potential of the region should form the basis for broad-scale cooperation. Being the leading Arctic region of Russia, Yamal deserves to become the sampling area for development and testing of the modern approaches to sustainable management of the migratory waterfowl populations. I hope that the Conference will give a great impetus to development of innovative methods and procedures in basic research, conservation of waterfowl, and game management. I am convinced that the Conference will play a key role not only in development of ornithological science, but also in raising public awareness of nature protection and wise use of biological resources of the Arctic region. ... [Information of the supplier]