Butterflies and Moths of North America is a searchable database of butterfly and moth records in the United States and Mexico. Over 2,800 species are recorded in this database. [Information of the supplier]
Diese Site bietet Bilder und kurze Informationen zu Schmetterlingsarten der Gruppen: Epiplemidae, Lycaenidae, Nemeobiidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Sphingidae. [Redaktion vifabio]
A web site (homepage) for Saturniidae and other bombycoid moths to promote scientific discussions on bombycoid moths (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Eupterotidae, Brahmaeidae, Bombycidae and other families), to exchange research and other information and to coordinate studies on these species. [Information of the supplier]
HOSTS brings together an enormous body of information on what the world's butterfly and moth (Lepidoptera) caterpillars eat. The web-based version presented here offers a synoptic data set drawn from about 180,000 records comprising taxonomically 'cleaned' hostplant data for about 22,000 Lepidoptera species drawn from about 1600 published and manuscript sources. It is not (and cannot be) exhaustive, but it is probably the best and most comprehensive compilation of hostplant data available. ... [Information of the supplier]
The aim of this project has been to compile a comprehensive interactive catalogue of all the published genus-group names of Lepidoptera from Linnaeus, 1758, up to the present, and to provide full-colour images of representatives of most included families. The catalogue comprises a total of 31,147 genus-group names including all available names and all junior homonyms, junior synonyms, unnecessary replacement names, misspellings, incorrect citations, and suppressed, unavailable, invalid or rejected names most of which are given in the following publications (arranged chronologically), hereafter referred to as the source material. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The butterfly portal offers a forum for determination, a forum for further questions, determination assistance with photos, reviews of determination literature and more. [Editorial staff vifabio]
The aim of this work is to provide a large iconographic sample of European moths and butterflies and, for each species, information about foodplants, breeding, life cycle. [Information of the supplier]
This database serves primarily to counteract the "memory loss" of important antiquarian lepidopterological publications and breeding reports. "Where can I find identification literature or publications about a particular butterfly, where can I find antiquarian journals especially concerned with butterflies (Lepidoptera)?" Special publications dealing with butterflies have appeared during the past hundred years in many different, not only purely entomological, journals. When searching the internet there are very few references. With the database I would like to make a small contribution. The first part of the database contains records from 1860 – 2007 from the whole of Europe and makes no claim to completeness. Now and again I have slipped into non-European countries. The period before 1860 awaits later work. Furthermore we try to store a picture or a PDF-file for each journal or each book, if no protection of copyright exists. Antiquarian literature was photographed by me. ... [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Die von einem Hobby-Schmetterlingskundler betriebene Seite bietet Abbildungen und Informationen zu heimischen Schmetterlingen und ihren Raupen. Eine nach Monaten sortierte Darstellung der Raupen erleichtert die Bestimmung häufiger Arten. Literaturhinweise, Links zu Foren und Naturschutzaktionen gehören außerdem zum Angebot. [Redaktion vifabio]
There are approximately 440 species of Butterfly in Europe and North Africa. I have seen but a small part of them but hope eventually to come across most of them and perhaps include them in these pages, currently there are 270 species included. [Information of the supplier]