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Authors of plant names, collectors of botanical specimens, and authors of botanical publications. (...) Plant name authors, collectors, and publication authors are combined into a single resource. Enter a person's name either as lastname, firstname, e.g. jones, david or by the standard abbreviation, e.g. ... [Information of the supplier]
Online edition of the c. 10 000 pages of "Taxonomic Literature, 2nd edition", the standard reference work for plant taxonomic literature from Linnean times to 1940. Seven volumens by Frans A. Stafleu (1921-1997) and Richard S. Cowan (1921-1997) published between 1976 and 1988, plus six supplements by ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
October 16, 2008 marks the 300th anniversary of Albrecht von Haller’s birth. Haller, a true polymath, is one of the most noteworthy indiviuals of the era of Enlightenment. His prominent efforts, as the founder of experimental physiology, researcher of Swiss flora and alpine poet were groundbreaking in ... [Information of the supplier]
This site seeks to facilitate access to samples of the handwriting of important botanical collectors. Although handwriting is often a key component in deciphering the identity of historical specimens and determining type material, researchers frequently find limited access to handwriting samples. ... [Information of the supplier]
The present work is limited to those papers of Sir Joseph Banks which are held in the Mitchell and Dixson collections at the State Library of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. These amount to approximately 10,000 manuscript pages and include correspondence, principally letters received, but also ... [Information of the supplier]
This virtual catalogue assembles the handwriting samples of botanists which originally where published in the journal Candollea between 1972 and 1979. The site aims to facilitate deciphering of herbarium labels and handwritten annotations. [Information of the supplier, translated and modified]
Mrs. M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman laboriously collected all data on collectors in the Southeast Asian Archipelago, also known as Malesia (comprising Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Phillippines, Singapore). She published her data in Flora Malesiana series 1, volume 1 as the Cyclopaedia of ... [Information of the supplier]
This web site is based on the list published by J.H. Willis, D. Pearson, M.T. Davis, and J.W. Green, Western Australian Herbarium Research Notes Number 12, August 1986. That original list has been supplemented by additional entries and some updates of dates, especially where people have died since that ... [Information of the supplier]
Die älteste heute noch bestehende botanische Vereinigung der Welt, die Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft ( feiert am 15. Dezember 2010 den 250. Geburtstag ihres Gründers David Heinrich Hoppe. Die Universitätsbibliothek nimmt dies zum Anlass, aus dem ... [Information des Anbieters]
Frank Kingdon Ward was a successful and famous explorer and plant collector. He wrote and published 25 books as well as contributing to inumerable magazine and newspaper articles. He explored areas of Western China, Burma, Tibet, and Assam from 1909 to 1958. But he was certainly not the only high ... [Information of the supplier]
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