The National Biodiversity Network (NBN) is a new and innovative way of sharing wildlife information in the UK and is building tools to make this information accessible in a digitised and exchangeable form. By providing easy access to the information people need about wildlife, wise and informed decisions can be made to ensure our natural environment is diverse, rich and sustainable now and for future generations. ... [Information of the supplier]
Inside the realisation of scientific project Biological Database and GIS (no. 1-08-330), financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity is done. In realisation are involved the biologists from the Division of Biology (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb), from the Croatian Natural History Museum, the colleagues from the University Computing Centre and our worth students of biology. Service for Biodiversity contains the information about biological specificity of Croatia and Croatian flora and fauna. Also the basic information about scientific project (field of biology) in Croatia, scientific institutions and biological journals are available. Service is still under development. The lot of materials are written only in one language (croatian or english), and only few exist in both languages. We will try to resolve this insufficiency as soon as possible. English home page is connected only with relatively small number of documents. For other material we suggest you to visit Croatian version of this Service. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Swedish Species Information Centre works with knowledge about biodiversity in Sweden. The main tasks are to collect, evaluate and store the most important information about threatened and rare plant and animal species. A basic part in this work is to assess degrees and types of threat and to prepare the national so called Red Lists and Red Data Books. Much the work is focused on information through publications, conferences etc. The unit also suggests management plans and initiate research. ... [Information of the supplier]
Given that Mexico is one of the five megadiverse countries with the highest biological diversity – which means that it is blessed with a very high number of ecosystem types, animal and plant species, and great genetic variation – it is important that such richness is afforded special consideration by government, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions, and that the conservation and the sustainable use of the country’s biological diversity is promoted. For this reason, an International Meeting on the Problems of the Knowledge and Conservation of Biodiversity was held on February 13 and 14, 1992. This meeting was convened by the President of Mexico, with the main discussion issues covering the critical aspects of our present knowledge of biodiversity, the current risks to biodiversity and the possible consequences of these risks, as well as the appropriate actions to be taken to safeguard its conservation. As a result of this meeting, the President of Mexico created, on March 16th, 1992, the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO). CONABIO is an Inter-Ministerial Commission mainly dedicated to: develop, maintain and update the National System of Biodiversity Information (SNIB); support projects and studies focused on the knowledge and sustainable use of biodiversity; advise governmental institutions and other sectors; undertake special projects; share knowledge on biological diversity; follow up on international agreements related to biodiversity, and provide services to the public. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Informationssystem zur Biodiversität von Wallonien bietet, jeweils unter eigenen Menüpunkten, Daten zu Arten, zu Lebensräumen und zu Einzelgebieten sowie Informationen zu Gesetzgebung und einschlägigen Institutionen und Organisationen. [Redaktion vifabio]
The Atlas of Living Australia is a five-year project funded under the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). Its mission is to develop a biodiversity data management system which will link Australia’s biological knowledge with its scientific and agricultural reference collections and other custodians of biological information. This system should be: (*) Authoritative - guiding users to the most relevant data resources and well-researched information for each species; (*) Freely accessible - delivering services, tools and content for free use by all; (*) Distributed and federated - integrating existing systems and networks to bring together the most current and complete content. The project aims are: (*) To integrate information on all Australian species, including data on specimens held by Australia’s natural history collections and data from field observations of living organisms; (*) To support the management and integration of biological data from all areas of research (molecular to ecological); (*) To develop search interfaces and web services to facilitate discovery of biological information resources and to support the use of biological data in scientific research, policy-making and education; (*) To ensure that data relating to Australian organisms is well-managed for present needs and organised to meet future information requirements. ... [Information of the supplier]
BIOTA AFRICA has been jointly invented by African and German researchers aiming at the establishment of research supporting sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in Africa. While, initially, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was open to fund the initiative, meanwhile several African countries and partner institutions added funding. The project, from its beginning, had a very visible continent-wide dimension and is still expanding especially with regard to its role as a "Biodiversity Observation Network" on the African continent. ... [Information of the supplier]
Overview of biodiversity of the Netherlands - The Dutch Species Catalogue provides a current and comprehensive overview of Dutch biodiversity. It is based on the data gathered by experts in various aspects of flora and fauna. Dutch biodiversity is among the best investigated in the world. This research has resulted in numerous papers, reports and books. The Dutch Species Catalogue combines this information for the first time in history, and, in this way, it contributes to international biodiversity networks as Fauna Europaea and GBIF. ... [Information of the supplier]
Over the last 20 years, biodiversity research has been established and shaped as a young interdisciplinary research field. In light of the global biodiversity crisis, however, this research is under pressure related to time and expectations and investments are necessary. The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since October 1, 2012, and will become a hub for biodiversity research. The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) concentrates expertise across city and state borders, brings together top scientists, connects theoreticians and empiricists of manifold research fields, focuses on theory and synthesis (synthesis centre sDiv), educates a new generation of scientists in transdisciplinary biodiversity research (graduate school yDiv) and communicates the importance of safeguarding biodiversity. ... [Information of the supplier]
Das Nationale Register des französischen Naturerbes (Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel, INPN) ist ein für die breite Öffentlichkeit bestimmtes Webportal zur Geo- und Biodiversität. Es besteht seit 2002 und wird vom Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) betrieben. INPN speichert und präsentiert Informationen sowohl zur terrestrischen als auch zur marinen Biodiversität und Geodiversität; dabei werden neben dem metropolitanen Frankreich auch die Übersee-Territorien berücksichtigt. Unter anderem können zu den einzelnen Arten Verbreitungskärtchen abgerufen werden. ... [Redaktion vifabio]