JSim is a Java-based simulation system for building quantitative numeric models and analyzing them with respect to experimental reference data. JSim's primary focus is in physiology and biomedicine, however its computational engine is quite general and applicable to a wide range of scientific domains. JSim models may intermix ODEs, PDEs, implicit equations, integrals, summations, discrete events and procedural code as appropriate. JSim's model compiler can automatically insert conversion factors for compatible physical units as well as detect and reject unit unbalanced equations. JSim also imports the SBML and CellML model archival formats. JSim downloads are available as precompiled binaries (Linux, MacIntosh, Windows) or source code. JSim can also run as an applet within your web browser. JSim is provided free for non-commercial use as a public service by the National Simulation Resource at the University of Washington. ... [Information of the supplier]
Omics studies, such as those of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics and metabolomics, have accumulated a large volume of biomedical data. However, the promise to translate these “big data” into biomedical knowledge can be realized only if they are standardized to be interoperable, complete to ensure data integrity, and consistent in data content. Biocuration provides tools and procedures critical in realizing the promise. International Biocuration Conference (IBC) is the global discussion platform for biocurators, bioinformaticians, data scientists, as well as any biomedical researchers and practitioners who care about data quality and interoperability, and interested in the exploration of a great application potential by data-driven knowledge discovery It is our great pleasure to announce that the 8th International Biocuration Conference (IBC) will be held in April 23-26, 2015, at Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China. The newly assembled Organizing Committee, consisting of not only local organizers, but also of members from Executive Committee of International Society for Biocuration and the 7th IBC Organization Committee, will start to work out the details to repeat previous success in the delivery of great scientific program, intuitive and functional logistics. ... [Information of the supplier]
One of the main objectives of the HBP is to create and operate six Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Platforms, which are the core of the emerging HBP research infrastructure for brain research. Starting 30 March 2016, the scientific community worldwide can begin exploring the initial versions of the six HBP ICT Platforms. The Platforms embody the key objectives of the HBP, to gather and disseminate data describing the brain, to simulate and build models of the brain, to develop brain-inspired computing and robotics, and to create a global scientific community around the developing research infrastructure. The Platforms consist of prototype hardware, software tools, databases, programming interfaces, and initial data-sets, which will be refined and expanded on an on-going basis in close collaboration with end-users. The development of the Platforms has been the result of an extensive multidisciplinary effort involving more than 750 scientific collaborators and engineers from 114 institutions in 24 countries. The Platforms are as follows: the Neuroinformatics Platform, the Brain Simulation Platform, the High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform, the Medical Informatics Platform, the Neuromorphic Computing Platform and the Neurorobotics Platform. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
CourseWare gives students an interesting simulator, with preset scenarios and a homework assignment as a jumping-off place, and lets them explore to build intuitive understanding, in order to "make the math an experience". Ready-to-use simulators include fractals, Lovelock's DaisyWorld, forest succession and fragmenting, foodweb dynamics, humanitarian aid, population growth models, isocline analysis, and more. These can be easily customized, or used as-is. ... [Information of the supplier]
PHYLIP is a free package of programs for inferring phylogenies. It is distributed as source code, documentation files, and a number of different types of executables. These Web pages contain information on PHYLIP and ways to transfer the executables, source code and documentation to your computer. [Information of the supplier, modified]
The twin goals of the MSU Digital Evolution Laboratory are to experimentally study digital organisms to improve our understanding of how natural evolution works, and then to apply this knowledge to solving computational problems. Much of the work in the Devolab is centered on research with and the continued development of the Avida digital evolution research platform. In Avida, a population of self-replicating computer programs is subjected to external pressures (such as mutations and limited resources) and allowed to evolve subject to natural selection. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
The Register of Ecological Models (REM) is a meta-database for existing mathematical models in ecology. The ECOBAS project provides a system for documentation of mathematical descriptions of ecological processes. [Information of the supplier]
The CellML language is based on the XML markup language- a computer language made for illustrating modell structures. CellML is being developed by the Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland and affiliated research groups. The purpose of CellML is to store and exchange computer-based mathematical models. CellML allows scientists to share models even if they are using different model-building software. ... [Information of the supplier]
NRCAM, the National Resource for Cell Analysis and Modeling is developing a unique software modeling environment, the Virtual Cell, for quantitative cell biological research. Approaches in computational cell biology are coupled with high resolution light microscopy to facilitate the interplay between experimental manipulation and computational simulation of specific cellular functions that can range from simple molecular motors to tissue-wide process. The Virtual Cell is deployed as a distributed application that is used over the Internet. It is freely accessible to all members of the scientific community. The Virtual Cell has been specifically designed to be a tool for a wide range of scientists, from experimental cell biologists to theoretical biophysicists. Likewise the creation of models can range from the simple, to evaluate hypotheses or to interpret experimental data, to complex multi-layered models used to probe the predicted behavior of complex, highly non-linear systems. Such models can be based on both experimental data and purely theoretical assumptions. ... [Information of the supplier]
The International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM) promotes the international exchange of ideas, scientific results, and general knowledge in the area of the application of systems analysis and simulation in ecology and natural resource management. The Society was formed in Denmark in 1975, and today has chapters in Europe, Japan, and North America. ISEM sponsors conferences, symposia, and workshops that promote the systems philosophy in ecological research and teaching, and in the management of natural resources. The Society publishes the newsletter ECOMOD, and its members frequently contribute articles to the official scientific journal of the Society, Ecological Modelling. Also see the ISEM Europe website. ... [Information of the supplier]