Die internationale Wal- und Delfinschutzorganisation WDCS ist die größte gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich ausschließlich dem Schutz von Walen und Delfinen und deren Lebensraum widmet. Seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre hat die WDCS mehr als 200 Projekte auf allen Kontinenten durchgeführt, finanziert und organisiert. Diese Projekte haben z.B. strengere Schutzmaßnahmen, die Implementierung von Schutzgebieten oder die Verhinderung der direkten Tötung von Walen und Delfinen zum Ziel. Die Philosophie der WDCS basiert auf der Zusammenarbeit mit der Bevölkerung im Projektland. ... [Information des Anbieters]
Welcome to WhaleNet's interactive educational web site which focuses on whales and marine research. WhaleNet is sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts with initial support from the National Science Foundation [Information of the supplier]
Save the Manatee Club (SMC) is a membership-based, national nonprofit organization. Funds from the Adopt-A-Manatee program go toward public awareness and education projects; manatee research; rescue and rehabilitation efforts; advocacy and legal action in order to ensure better protection for manatees and their habitat. Currently, there are about 40,000 SMC members. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Marine Mammals Bibliography describes publications (books, journal articles, etc.) about marine mammals and related subjects (fisheries, food, etc.). The bibliography consists of two files of citations: Allen and Mead. The Allen file represents citations contained in Allen, J.A. 1882. Preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mammalian orders Cete and Sirenia. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 6(3): 399-562. This annotated bibliography covers the period from Albertus Magnus (1495) to the end of the year 1840. The Mead file represents citations that concentrate on Cetacean systematics, life history and anatomy, particularly of the families Ziphiidae (beaked whales) and Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins). Together, the two sets provide a very complete bibliography of scientific work on marine mammals, extensively indexed for taxonomic levels, subjects, and geographic location. ... [Information of the supplier]
Sponsored by WDCS, this site is dedicated to the conservation of the critical habitats of whales, dolphins and porpoises in national waters and on the high seas of the world ocean. You will find explanations of key marine protected area (MPA) terms such as critical habitat and ecosystem-based management; excerpts from Erich Hoyt’s book Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises; an interactive directory and poster-map of the more than 500 MPAs and sanctuaries for cetaceans, both proposed and existing; news about MPAs and interviews with cetacean experts, and a detailed resource section with links and downloads. ... [Information of the supplier]
Antarktis Online ist eine private Homepage, die u.a. umfangreiche Informationen zur Fauna und Flora sowie zum Gesamt-Ökosystem der Antarktis bereithält. Zielgruppe sind laut Autor Personen mit Interesse an Geographie (Erdkunde), Tierwelt, Naturschutz, Stationen und Logistik etc. in der Antarktis sowie Polarphilatelisten - für letztere dürften die dargestellten, großformatigen Briefmarkenmotive der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt interessant sein. ... [Redaktion vifabio]
Sirenians or seacows are one of the most placid aquatic taxa. Among others, this reason cause there high endangerment. The Steller`s seacow is the most extreme example, eradicated in 30 years. On the one hand, this web page introduce to biology of sirenians. Another aim is to inform about several protection programs (organization Sirenia International). ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Marine Science Center was founded 2008 and is part of the Institute of bioscience at the University of Rostock. The research focus on sensoric orientations of seals (Pinnipedia) in there natural habitats and possible technical applications (bionics). An unique facility, located at the Baltic sea, serves this purpose. It consist of an huge outdoor enclosure and a modified passenger ship. Several projects examine sensoric abilities of the seals. Many offers are available for visitors. ... [Editorial staff vifabio]
The Society for Marine Mammalogy holds biennial international meetings with the goal of enhancing collaboration, sharing ideas, and improving the quality of research on marine mammals within the scientific community. The 21st biennial conference will return to San Francisco for the first time since its founding in 1981. The meeting will focus on marine mammal conservation in a changing world and bring together leaders in the field from every continent. The gathering of interdisciplinary experts enables discussion amongst marine mammal scientists and policy makers, enhancing collaboration and training the next generation of scientists and practitioners, and is a key opportunity to foster international partnerships and collaborations. In addition to key-note lectures and oral presentations, there will be over 1,000 poster presentations and topical workshops on hot topics in marine mammal science. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Society for Marine Mammalogy holds biennial international meetings with the goal of enhancing collaboration, sharing ideas, and improving the quality of research on marine mammals within the scientific community. The 22nd biennial conference will take place in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The meeting will focus on marine mammal conservation in a changing world and bring together leaders in the field from every continent. The gathering of interdisciplinary experts enables discussion amongst marine mammal scientists and policy makers, enhancing collaboration and training the next generation of scientists and practitioners, and is a key opportunity to foster international partnerships and collaborations. In addition to key-note lectures and oral presentations, there will be poster presentations and topical workshops on hot topics in marine mammal science. SMM2017 will attract marine mammal scientists, managers and policy makers from more than 60 countries to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue on the world’s most pressing marine science and conservation issues as they relate to these highly charismatic species. ... [Information of the supplier]