Blumenzucht und Blumenmalerei waren eine zeittypische Liebhaberei barocker Fürsten. Insbesondere die Tulpe, erst um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts in Europa bekannt geworden, erfreute sich wegen ihrer fast unübersehbaren Sortenvielfalt größter Beliebtheit. Für ihre Zwiebeln wurden zeitweise phantastische Preise gezahlt. Markgraf Karl Wilhelm von Baden-Durlach (1679 - 1738), selbst ein passionierter Gärtner, den man oft schon im Morgengrauen mit dem Spaten hantieren sah, konnte gegen Ende seines Lebens im Karlsruher Schlossgarten mehr als 5000 Tulpensorten bewundern. Daneben gab es viele andere Blumen, auch zahlreiche botanische Raritäten, die in Gewächshäusern gehalten wurden. Unter der Signatur KS Nische C 13 bewahrt die Badische Landesbibliothek einen Band mit 72 Blumendarstellungen aus der Zeit Karl Wilhelms (um 1730). ... [Information des Anbieters]
Wageningen UR Library has an unique collection of historical and recent literature on the tulip. Wageningen University and Research Centre produces modern scientific and practical knowledge about tulips. This site is developed by Wageningen UR Library to make both available for the general public. [Information of the supplier]
Allium is a genus of about 700 botanical species distributed all over the extra-tropical part of the northern hemisphere. Several more or less contradictory classifications were applied to this genus in the literature, and different views on species relations and validity of names may cause problems. At IPK Gatersleben, during the last 20 years a large living research collection has been established which allowed to investigate morphological, anatomical, developmental, karyological, and molecular characters of a broad array of taxa. Many results have already been published. Because it was often impossible to characterize every single taxon botanically in detail for which results were presented in these publications, the IPK Allium Database presents images of Allium taxa dealt with in our publications but not shown anywhere else. Also already published results and images of herbarium specimens are included as graphic files. Addition of more species and results is under work. ... [Information of the supplier]
The information system "Historia Gagearum" has been designed for discussing and data collecting about systematic and morphology of tribe Gageeae Rouy (Liliaceae). Different authors include in the tribe from one to three genera. On this moment, the tribe includes genus Gagea Salisb. and genus Lloydia Reichb. First genus is large. It contains more than 280 species. Second genus is monotypic. Therefore, it demands a critical discussion about systematic position of other taxa, which had been included into the genus Lloydia by tradition. Different points of view on the systematic of this group of Liliaceae will be discuss on this site, as well as general differences across morphology, ontogenesis, embryogenesis, structure of stems etc. of other groups of Monocotyledons. ... [Information of the supplier]
The aim of this site is to help you to name daffodil cultivars. Churchyards, municipal plantings and parkland are the best places to search for daffodils, and the best time to look for them is between January and April. Most of the plants you find outside gardens will have been planted intentionally or will have grown from fly-tipped waste; few will have come from seed. You need to understand from the outset that many of the plants you find cannot be named with certainty: most cultivars are just too ill-defined to make this possible. Some, like 'Tete-a-Tete', you can easily learn to name, and you will always be able to say that your specimen was "close to such-and-such a cultivar". To make the process of identification as simple as possible, the site is divided into three sections. The first, found by following the how to ID daffodils link, describes the way that the pictorial key is supposed to work. The main part of the site is the guide, which takes you through the basic steps needed to identify your specimen, based mainly on the colours of the 6 petals (3 outer and 3 inner perianth segments) and the trumpet (corona). The last section is a pictorial glossary showing some of the most important technical features used in distinguishing between cultivars. ... [Information of the supplier]