This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). [Information of the supplier]
PHI-base is a web-accessible database that catalogues experimentally verified pathogenicity, virulence and effector genes from fungal, Oomycete and bacterial pathogens, which infect animal, plant, fungal and insect hosts. PHI-base is therfore an invaluable resource in the discovery of genes in medically and agronomically important pathogens, which may be potential targets for chemical intervention. In collaboration with the FRAC team, PHI-base also includes antifungal compounds and their target genes. Each entry in PHI-base is curated by domain experts and is supported by strong experimental evidence (gene disruption experiments, STM etc), as well as literature references in which the original experiments are described. Each gene in PHI-base is presented with its nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence, as well as a detailed description of the predicted protein's function during the host infection process. To facilitate data interoperability, we have annotated genes using controlled vocabularies and links to external sources. ... [Information of the supplier]
In 1997, parasitologists at the Universities of Alberta and Calgary decided to offer a joint undergraduate course on the Principles of Parasitism, with lectures given by live videoconference. It was decided to forego the traditional "sit-down-at-a-microscope" laboratory in favor of a lab that was completely web-based. This web site evolved as part of that project. Over the years we have had numerous requests from around the world for access to the web lab. As the site has evolved, it has become necessary to password-protect parts of the site that deal with our teaching function. We have decided to extract the basic laboratory component of the site and make it freely-accessible. The result is this site you are now viewing. ... [Information of the supplier]
The Society of Nematologists is an international organization formed to advance the science of nematology in both its fundamental and economic aspects. To serve this purpose, the Society of Nematologists acts as an agency for the exchange of information, holds regular meetings, and promotes and extends knowledge in all phases of nematology. The Society operates on a nonprofit basis exclusively for the accomplishment of these educational and scientific goals. ... [Information of the supplier]
Die ÖGTP ist ein eingetragener Verein mit dem Zweck der Förderung der Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie mit allen ihren Teilgebieten in wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Hinsicht. Dazu werden unter anderem wissenschaftliche Sitzungen und Tagungen mit Vorträgen, Demonstrationen und Diskussionen in- und ausländischer Fachleute über Fragen aus sämtlichen Gebieten der Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie veranstaltet und die Aus- und Weiterbildung in diesem Bereich gefördert. ... [Information des Anbieters]
On this web site we are using the informal term "plasmodiophorids" for the group that was the subject of Karling's 1968 monograph, The Plasmodiophorales, and for a number of years was included in the fungi (Sparrow 1960, Waterhouse 1972). Donald Barr recognized that ultrastructural evidence suggested that plasmodiophorids should be considered as protozoa (Barr 1992), and relatively recent studies (Adl et al. 2005, Bass et al. 2009, Cavalier-Smith & Chao 2003) classified plasmodiophorids as Phytomyxea within the Cercozoa, which is in a supergroup known as the Rhizaria in what many people traditionally would consider as protozoa. Burki et al. (2010), however, grouped the Phytomyxea with Gromia Dujardin along with a clade of Acantherea and Foraminifera outside the core Cercozoa when some assumptions were made using large numbers of phytomyxid gene sequences. It does not matter if you put the plasmodiophorids in the Cercozoa vs. the clade with Acantherea and Foraminifera close to the core Cercozoa, they are still in the Rhizaria, not in the fungi. So mycologists and plant pathologists it is time to get over it and stop referring to the plasmodiophorids as "parasitic fungi." Stay tuned to see what the final outcome of the molecular phylogenetic studies will tell us. I'm looking forward to it. ... [Information of the supplier]
This site contains basic biological information regarding Trichinella spiralis, and includes research findings on all aspects of the parenteral phase of the infection. Much of the information is based on publications by Dickson Despommier and colleagues over the last 30 years, that mostly dealt with Nurse cell formation and its relationship to angiogenesis and collagen capsule formation. In addition, a brief history of its discovery, clinical aspects, and useful links to other sites dealing with the genus Trichinella are provided. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This website is developed and maintained by CDC’s Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria (DPDM). Our goal is to use the Internet to strengthen diagnosis of parasitic diseases, both in the United States and abroad. The interactive and rapid exchange of information permitted by the Internet, allied with already available diagnostic reference resources, will enhance our capacity to address the global problem of parasitic diseases. For that purpose, DPDx offers two complementary functions: a Reference and Training function, and a Diagnostic Assistance function. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This private web site deals with insects, which larvae mining leafs. It is the result of an on-going project, set up to photograph and record all the leaf mining fauna which occur in Britain. The leaf mining fauna includes Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera (flies), Symphyta (sawflies) and Lepidoptera (moths). The web site deals with 517 species which are presented with short information about host plant, phenology, and mostly with some pictures. Also the National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme is presented. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]
This web site deals with figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and fig wasps, which belong to five hymenoptera families (Agaonidae, Pteromalidae, Ormyridae, Eurytomidae & Torymidae). All species in the family Agaonidae breed in figs, but the Pteromalidae, Ormyridae, Eurytomidae and Torymidae only have a very small proportion of their total species associated with figs. The relationship of the pollinating fig wasps with their host fig tree is an obligate mutualism: the tree relies on the wasps for pollen dispersal and pollination, and in turn the wasps can only reproduce in the florets within the fig. This web site offers a lot of information about this extraordinary ecological interaction. For the figs as well as the fig wasps checklists, classification and identification keys are provided. ... [Information of the supplier, modified]